No Matches
Util::SparseTable< TYPE > Member List

This is the complete list of members for Util::SparseTable< TYPE >, including all inherited members.

AddMultiple(IndexT colIndex, IndexT rowIndex, const TYPE *firstElm, SizeT numElements)Util::SparseTable< TYPE >
AddReference(IndexT colIndex, IndexT rowIndex, IndexT refColIndex, IndexT refRowIndex)Util::SparseTable< TYPE >
AddSingle(IndexT colIndex, IndexT rowIndex, const TYPE &elm)Util::SparseTable< TYPE >
BeginSetup(const Array< StringAtom > &columnNames, const Array< StringAtom > &rowNames, SizeT numUnique=0)Util::SparseTable< TYPE >
Clear()Util::SparseTable< TYPE >
colIndexMapUtil::SparseTable< TYPE >private
EndSetup()Util::SparseTable< TYPE >
GetColumnIndexByName(const StringAtom &colName) constUtil::SparseTable< TYPE >
GetElements(IndexT colIndex, IndexT rowIndex, SizeT &outNumElements) constUtil::SparseTable< TYPE >
GetNumColumns() constUtil::SparseTable< TYPE >
GetNumRows() constUtil::SparseTable< TYPE >
GetNumUniqueElements() constUtil::SparseTable< TYPE >
GetRowIndexByName(const StringAtom &rowName) constUtil::SparseTable< TYPE >
HasColumn(const StringAtom &colName) constUtil::SparseTable< TYPE >
HasRow(const StringAtom &rowName) constUtil::SparseTable< TYPE >
inSetupUtil::SparseTable< TYPE >private
LookupElements(const StringAtom &colName, const StringAtom &rowName, SizeT &outNumElements) constUtil::SparseTable< TYPE >
rowIndexMapUtil::SparseTable< TYPE >private
SetEntryDirect(IndexT colIndex, IndexT rowIndex, ushort startIndex, ushort numElements)Util::SparseTable< TYPE >
SparseTable()Util::SparseTable< TYPE >
tableEntriesUtil::SparseTable< TYPE >private
uniqueElementsUtil::SparseTable< TYPE >private