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Nebula is being developed continuously, which means that features keep getting added all the time. Currently, we support this:
- Completely data-driven design from bottom to top.
- Data structure suite, from containers to OS wrappers, everything is designed for performance and minimal call stacks.
- Multithreading.
- SSE-accelerated and intuitive maths library.
- Full python supported scripting layer.
- Advanced rendering framework and shaders.
- Test-benches and benchmarking.
- Profiling tools.
A lot of effort has been made to the Nebula rendering subsystem, where we currently support:
- Unified clustering system - fog volumes, decals and lights all go into the same structure.
- Screen-space reflections - working condition, but still work in progress.
- SSAO - Horizon-based ambient occlusion done in compute.
- Physically based materials and rendering.
- Deferred lighting.
- Multi-threaded subpass recording.
- Shadow mapping for local lights and CSM for global/directional/sun light.
- Volumetric fog and lighting.
- Geometric decals.
- CPU-GPU hybrid particle system.
- Skinning and animation.
- Scripted rendering path.
- Vulkan.
- Tonemapping.
- Asynchronous compute.
- Virtual texturing using sparse binding.
- Fast and conservative GPU memory allocation.
Entity system
Nebula has historically had a database-centric approach to entities. With the newest iteration of Nebula, we've decided to keep improving by adopting an ECS approach, still keeping it database-centric.
- Data-oriented
- Data-driven
- Minimal memory overhead per entity.
- High performance without compromising usability or simplicity
- Blueprint and template system for easily instantiating and categorizing entity types.
- Automatic serialization and deserialization