No Matches
TiXmlDocument Class Reference

#include <tinyxml.h>

Detailed Description

Always the top level node.

A document binds together all the XML pieces. It can be saved, loaded, and printed to the screen. The 'value' of a document node is the xml file name.

Inherits TiXmlNode.

Public Member Functions

 TiXmlDocument ()
 Create an empty document, that has no name.
 TiXmlDocument (const TiXmlDocument &copy)
void operator= (const TiXmlDocument &copy)
virtual ~TiXmlDocument ()
bool LoadStream (const Ptr< IO::Stream > &stream, TiXmlEncoding encoding=TIXML_DEFAULT_ENCODING)
 Load a file using the given FILE*.
bool SaveStream (const Ptr< IO::Stream > &stream) const
 Save a file using the given FILE*. Returns true if successful.
virtual const char * Parse (const char *p, TiXmlParsingData *data=0, TiXmlEncoding encoding=TIXML_DEFAULT_ENCODING)
 Parse the given null terminated block of xml data.
const TiXmlElementRootElement () const
 Get the root element – the only top level element – of the document.
TiXmlElementRootElement ()
bool Error () const
 If an error occurs, Error will be set to true.
const char * ErrorDesc () const
 Contains a textual (english) description of the error if one occurs.
int ErrorId () const
 Generally, you probably want the error string ( ErrorDesc() ).
int ErrorRow ()
 Returns the location (if known) of the error.
int ErrorCol ()
 The column where the error occured. See ErrorRow()
void SetTabSize (int _tabsize)
 SetTabSize() allows the error reporting functions (ErrorRow() and ErrorCol()) to report the correct values for row and column.
int TabSize () const
void ClearError ()
 If you have handled the error, it can be reset with this call.
virtual void Print (const Ptr< IO::TextWriter > &textWriter, int depth=0) const
 Print this Document to a FILE stream.
void SetError (int err, const char *errorLocation, TiXmlParsingData *prevData, TiXmlEncoding encoding)
virtual const TiXmlDocumentToDocument () const
 Cast to a more defined type. Will return null not of the requested type.
virtual TiXmlDocumentToDocument ()
 Cast to a more defined type. Will return null not of the requested type.
- Public Member Functions inherited from TiXmlNode
virtual ~TiXmlNode ()
const char * Value () const
 The meaning of 'value' changes for the specific type of TiXmlNode.
void SetValue (const char *_value)
 Changes the value of the node.
void Clear ()
 Delete all the children of this node. Does not affect 'this'.
TiXmlNodeParent ()
 One step up the DOM.
const TiXmlNodeParent () const
const TiXmlNodeFirstChild () const
 The first child of this node. Will be null if there are no children.
TiXmlNodeFirstChild ()
const TiXmlNodeFirstChild (const char *value) const
 The first child of this node with the matching 'value'. Will be null if none found.
TiXmlNodeFirstChild (const char *value)
 The first child of this node with the matching 'value'. Will be null if none found.
const TiXmlNodeLastChild () const
TiXmlNodeLastChild ()
 The last child of this node. Will be null if there are no children.
const TiXmlNodeLastChild (const char *value) const
TiXmlNodeLastChild (const char *value)
 The last child of this node matching 'value'. Will be null if there are no children.
const TiXmlNodeIterateChildren (const TiXmlNode *previous) const
 An alternate way to walk the children of a node.
TiXmlNodeIterateChildren (TiXmlNode *previous)
const TiXmlNodeIterateChildren (const char *value, const TiXmlNode *previous) const
 This flavor of IterateChildren searches for children with a particular 'value'.
TiXmlNodeIterateChildren (const char *value, TiXmlNode *previous)
TiXmlNodeInsertEndChild (const TiXmlNode &addThis)
 Add a new node related to this.
TiXmlNodeLinkEndChild (TiXmlNode *addThis)
 Add a new node related to this.
TiXmlNodeInsertBeforeChild (TiXmlNode *beforeThis, const TiXmlNode &addThis)
 Add a new node related to this.
TiXmlNodeInsertAfterChild (TiXmlNode *afterThis, const TiXmlNode &addThis)
 Add a new node related to this.
TiXmlNodeReplaceChild (TiXmlNode *replaceThis, const TiXmlNode &withThis)
 Replace a child of this node.
bool RemoveChild (TiXmlNode *removeThis)
 Delete a child of this node.
const TiXmlNodePreviousSibling () const
 Navigate to a sibling node.
TiXmlNodePreviousSibling ()
const TiXmlNodePreviousSibling (const char *) const
 Navigate to a sibling node.
TiXmlNodePreviousSibling (const char *)
const TiXmlNodeNextSibling () const
 Navigate to a sibling node.
TiXmlNodeNextSibling ()
const TiXmlNodeNextSibling (const char *) const
 Navigate to a sibling node with the given 'value'.
TiXmlNodeNextSibling (const char *)
const TiXmlElementNextSiblingElement () const
 Convenience function to get through elements.
TiXmlElementNextSiblingElement ()
const TiXmlElementNextSiblingElement (const char *) const
 Convenience function to get through elements.
TiXmlElementNextSiblingElement (const char *)
const TiXmlElementFirstChildElement () const
 Convenience function to get through elements.
TiXmlElementFirstChildElement ()
const TiXmlElementFirstChildElement (const char *value) const
 Convenience function to get through elements.
TiXmlElementFirstChildElement (const char *value)
int Type () const
 Query the type (as an enumerated value, above) of this node.
const TiXmlDocumentGetDocument () const
 Return a pointer to the Document this node lives in.
TiXmlDocumentGetDocument ()
bool NoChildren () const
 Returns true if this node has no children.
virtual const TiXmlElementToElement () const
 Cast to a more defined type. Will return null if not of the requested type.
virtual const TiXmlCommentToComment () const
 Cast to a more defined type. Will return null if not of the requested type.
virtual const TiXmlUnknownToUnknown () const
 Cast to a more defined type. Will return null if not of the requested type.
virtual const TiXmlTextToText () const
 Cast to a more defined type. Will return null if not of the requested type.
virtual const TiXmlDeclarationToDeclaration () const
 Cast to a more defined type. Will return null if not of the requested type.
virtual TiXmlElementToElement ()
 Cast to a more defined type. Will return null if not of the requested type.
virtual TiXmlCommentToComment ()
 Cast to a more defined type. Will return null if not of the requested type.
virtual TiXmlUnknownToUnknown ()
 Cast to a more defined type. Will return null if not of the requested type.
virtual TiXmlTextToText ()
 Cast to a more defined type. Will return null if not of the requested type.
virtual TiXmlDeclarationToDeclaration ()
 Cast to a more defined type. Will return null if not of the requested type.
- Public Member Functions inherited from TiXmlBase
 TiXmlBase ()
virtual ~TiXmlBase ()
int Row () const
 Return the position, in the original source file, of this node or attribute.
int Column () const
 See Row()
void SetUserData (void *user)
void * GetUserData ()

Protected Member Functions

virtual void StreamOut (TIXML_OSTREAM *out) const
virtual TiXmlNodeClone () const
 Create an exact duplicate of this node and return it.
- Protected Member Functions inherited from TiXmlNode
 TiXmlNode (NodeType _type)
void CopyTo (TiXmlNode *target) const
TiXmlNodeIdentify (const char *start, TiXmlEncoding encoding)

Private Member Functions

void CopyTo (TiXmlDocument *target) const

Private Attributes

bool error
int errorId
int tabsize
TiXmlCursor errorLocation
bool useMicrosoftBOM

Additional Inherited Members

- Public Types inherited from TiXmlNode
enum  NodeType {
 The types of XML nodes supported by TinyXml. More...
- Public Types inherited from TiXmlBase
enum  {
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from TiXmlBase
static void SetCondenseWhiteSpace (bool condense)
 The world does not agree on whether white space should be kept or not.
static bool IsWhiteSpaceCondensed ()
 Return the current white space setting.
- Static Public Attributes inherited from TiXmlBase
static const int utf8ByteTable [256]
- Static Protected Member Functions inherited from TiXmlBase
static const char * SkipWhiteSpace (const char *, TiXmlEncoding encoding)
static bool IsWhiteSpace (char c)
static bool IsWhiteSpace (int c)
static const char * ReadName (const char *p, TIXML_STRING *name, TiXmlEncoding encoding)
static const char * ReadText (const char *in, TIXML_STRING *text, bool ignoreWhiteSpace, const char *endTag, bool ignoreCase, TiXmlEncoding encoding)
static const char * GetEntity (const char *in, char *value, int *length, TiXmlEncoding encoding)
static const char * GetChar (const char *p, char *_value, int *length, TiXmlEncoding encoding)
static void PutString (const TIXML_STRING &str, TIXML_OSTREAM *out)
static void PutString (const TIXML_STRING &str, TIXML_STRING *out)
static bool StringEqual (const char *p, const char *endTag, bool ignoreCase, TiXmlEncoding encoding)
static int IsAlpha (unsigned char anyByte, TiXmlEncoding encoding)
static int IsAlphaNum (unsigned char anyByte, TiXmlEncoding encoding)
static int ToLower (int v, TiXmlEncoding encoding)
static void ConvertUTF32ToUTF8 (unsigned long input, char *output, int *length)
- Protected Attributes inherited from TiXmlNode
NodeType type
- Protected Attributes inherited from TiXmlBase
TiXmlCursor location
void * userData
 Field containing a generic user pointer.
- Static Protected Attributes inherited from TiXmlBase
static const char * errorString [TIXML_ERROR_STRING_COUNT]

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ TiXmlDocument() [1/2]

TiXmlDocument::TiXmlDocument ( )

Create an empty document, that has no name.

◆ TiXmlDocument() [2/2]

TiXmlDocument::TiXmlDocument ( const TiXmlDocument & copy)

◆ ~TiXmlDocument()

virtual TiXmlDocument::~TiXmlDocument ( )

Member Function Documentation

◆ ClearError()

void TiXmlDocument::ClearError ( )

If you have handled the error, it can be reset with this call.

The error state is automatically cleared if you Parse a new XML block.

◆ Clone()

TiXmlNode * TiXmlDocument::Clone ( ) const

Create an exact duplicate of this node and return it.

The memory must be deleted by the caller.

Implements TiXmlNode.

◆ CopyTo()

void TiXmlDocument::CopyTo ( TiXmlDocument * target) const

◆ Error()

bool TiXmlDocument::Error ( ) const

If an error occurs, Error will be set to true.


  • The ErrorId() will contain the integer identifier of the error (not generally useful)
  • The ErrorDesc() method will return the name of the error. (very useful)
  • The ErrorRow() and ErrorCol() will return the location of the error (if known)

◆ ErrorCol()

int TiXmlDocument::ErrorCol ( )

The column where the error occured. See ErrorRow()

◆ ErrorDesc()

const char * TiXmlDocument::ErrorDesc ( ) const

Contains a textual (english) description of the error if one occurs.

◆ ErrorId()

int TiXmlDocument::ErrorId ( ) const

Generally, you probably want the error string ( ErrorDesc() ).

But if you prefer the ErrorId, this function will fetch it.

◆ ErrorRow()

int TiXmlDocument::ErrorRow ( )

Returns the location (if known) of the error.

The first column is column 1, and the first row is row 1. A value of 0 means the row and column wasn't applicable (memory errors, for example, have no row/column) or the parser lost the error. (An error in the error reporting, in that case.)

See also
SetTabSize, Row, Column

◆ LoadStream()

bool TiXmlDocument::LoadStream ( const Ptr< IO::Stream > & stream,
TiXmlEncoding encoding = TIXML_DEFAULT_ENCODING )

Load a file using the given FILE*.

Returns true if successful. Note that this method doesn't stream - the entire object pointed at by the FILE* will be interpreted as an XML file. TinyXML doesn't stream in XML from the current file location. Streaming may be added in the future.

◆ operator=()

void TiXmlDocument::operator= ( const TiXmlDocument & copy)

◆ Parse()

const char * TiXmlDocument::Parse ( const char * p,
TiXmlParsingData * data = 0,
TiXmlEncoding encoding = TIXML_DEFAULT_ENCODING )

Parse the given null terminated block of xml data.

Passing in an encoding to this method (either TIXML_ENCODING_LEGACY or TIXML_ENCODING_UTF8 will force TinyXml to use that encoding, regardless of what TinyXml might otherwise try to detect.

Implements TiXmlBase.

◆ Print()

void TiXmlDocument::Print ( const Ptr< IO::TextWriter > & textWriter,
int depth = 0 ) const

Print this Document to a FILE stream.

Implements TiXmlBase.

◆ RootElement() [1/2]

TiXmlElement * TiXmlDocument::RootElement ( )

◆ RootElement() [2/2]

const TiXmlElement * TiXmlDocument::RootElement ( ) const

Get the root element – the only top level element – of the document.

In well formed XML, there should only be one. TinyXml is tolerant of multiple elements at the document level.

◆ SaveStream()

bool TiXmlDocument::SaveStream ( const Ptr< IO::Stream > & stream) const

Save a file using the given FILE*. Returns true if successful.

◆ SetError()

void TiXmlDocument::SetError ( int err,
const char * errorLocation,
TiXmlParsingData * prevData,
TiXmlEncoding encoding )

◆ SetTabSize()

void TiXmlDocument::SetTabSize ( int _tabsize)

SetTabSize() allows the error reporting functions (ErrorRow() and ErrorCol()) to report the correct values for row and column.

It does not change the output or input in any way.

By calling this method, with a tab size greater than 0, the row and column of each node and attribute is stored when the file is loaded. Very useful for tracking the DOM back in to the source file.

The tab size is required for calculating the location of nodes. If not set, the default of 4 is used. The tabsize is set per document. Setting the tabsize to 0 disables row/column tracking.

Note that row and column tracking is not supported when using operator>>.

The tab size needs to be enabled before the parse or load. Correct usage:

TiXmlDocument doc;
doc.SetTabSize( 8 );
doc.Load( "myfile.xml" );
See also
Row, Column

◆ StreamOut()

void TiXmlDocument::StreamOut ( TIXML_OSTREAM * out) const

Implements TiXmlBase.

◆ TabSize()

int TiXmlDocument::TabSize ( ) const

◆ ToDocument() [1/2]

virtual TiXmlDocument * TiXmlDocument::ToDocument ( )

Cast to a more defined type. Will return null not of the requested type.

Reimplemented from TiXmlNode.

◆ ToDocument() [2/2]

virtual const TiXmlDocument * TiXmlDocument::ToDocument ( ) const

Cast to a more defined type. Will return null not of the requested type.

Reimplemented from TiXmlNode.

Member Data Documentation

◆ error

bool TiXmlDocument::error

◆ errorDesc

TIXML_STRING TiXmlDocument::errorDesc

◆ errorId

int TiXmlDocument::errorId

◆ errorLocation

TiXmlCursor TiXmlDocument::errorLocation

◆ tabsize

int TiXmlDocument::tabsize

◆ useMicrosoftBOM

bool TiXmlDocument::useMicrosoftBOM

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