template<class KEYTYPE, class VALUETYPE>
class Util::Dictionary< KEYTYPE, VALUETYPE >
A collection of key/value pairs with quick value retrieval by key at roughly O(log n).
Internally the dictionary is implemented as a sorted array.
On insertion performance: Key/value pairs are inserted with the Add() method, which normally calls the Util::Array::InsertSorted() method internally. If many insertions are performed at once, it may be beneficial to call BeginBulkAdd() before, and EndBulkAdd() after adding the key/value pairs. Between BeginBulkAdd() and EndBulkAdd(), the Add() method will just append the new elements to the internal array, and only call Util::Array::Sort() inside EndBulkAdd().
Any methods which require the internal array to be sorted will throw an assertion between BeginBulkAdd() and EndBulkAdd().
- Copyright
- (C) 2006 Radon Labs GmbH (C) 2013-2020 Individual contributors, see AUTHORS file
| Dictionary () |
| default constructor
| Dictionary (const Dictionary< KEYTYPE, VALUETYPE > &rhs) |
| copy constructor
| Dictionary (Dictionary< KEYTYPE, VALUETYPE > &&rhs) noexcept |
| move constructor
void | operator= (const Dictionary< KEYTYPE, VALUETYPE > &rhs) |
| assignment operator
void | operator= (Dictionary< KEYTYPE, VALUETYPE > &&rhs) noexcept |
| move operator
VALUETYPE & | operator[] (const KEYTYPE &key) |
| read/write [] operator
const VALUETYPE & | operator[] (const KEYTYPE &key) const |
| read-only [] operator
SizeT | Size () const |
| return number of key/value pairs in the dictionary
void | Clear () |
| clear the dictionary
bool | IsEmpty () const |
| return true if empty
void | Reserve (SizeT numElements) |
| reserve space (useful if number of elements is known beforehand)
void | BeginBulkAdd () |
| begin a bulk insert (array will be sorted at End)
IndexT | Add (const KeyValuePair< KEYTYPE, VALUETYPE > &kvp) |
| add a key/value pair
IndexT | Add (const KEYTYPE &key, const VALUETYPE &value) |
| add a key and associated value
VALUETYPE & | Emplace (const KEYTYPE &key) |
| creates a new entry of VALUETYPE if key does not exist, or returns the existing element
void | EndBulkAdd () |
| end a bulk insert (this will sort the internal array)
void | Merge (const Dictionary< KEYTYPE, VALUETYPE > &rhs) |
| merge two dictionaries
void | Erase (const KEYTYPE &key) |
| erase a key and its associated value
void | EraseAtIndex (IndexT index) |
| erase a key at index
IndexT | FindIndex (const KEYTYPE &key) const |
| find index of key/value pair (InvalidIndex if doesn't exist)
bool | Contains (const KEYTYPE &key) const |
| return true if key exists in the array
bool | Contains (const KEYTYPE &key, IndexT &index) const |
| return true if key exists in the array, and saves index
const KEYTYPE & | KeyAtIndex (IndexT index) const |
| get a key at given index
VALUETYPE & | ValueAtIndex (IndexT index) |
| access to value at given index
const VALUETYPE & | ValueAtIndex (IndexT index) const |
| get a value at given index
KeyValuePair< KEYTYPE, VALUETYPE > & | KeyValuePairAtIndex (IndexT index) const |
| get key/value pair at index
Array< KEYTYPE > | KeysAsArray () const |
| get all keys as an Util::Array
Array< VALUETYPE > | ValuesAsArray () const |
| get all keys as an Util::Array
template<class RETURNTYPE> |
RETURNTYPE | KeysAs () const |
| get all keys as (typically) an array
template<class RETURNTYPE> |
RETURNTYPE | ValuesAs () const |
| get all keys as (typically) an array
KeyValuePair< KEYTYPE, VALUETYPE > * | begin () const |
| functions for stl like behaviour
KeyValuePair< KEYTYPE, VALUETYPE > * | end () const |
void | clear () |
void | emplace (KEYTYPE &&key, VALUETYPE &&value) |