virtual void UpdateStdoutStream()=0
Read data from the captured stdout and writes it to the stream.
virtual bool CheckIfExists()=0
Detect if an instance of the process is already running.
void SetExecutable(const IO::URI &uri)
set the executable path
Definition processbase.h:81
IO::URI workingDir
Definition processbase.h:58
Ptr< IO::Stream > stdoutCaptureStream
Definition processbase.h:60
const Ptr< IO::Stream > & GetStdoutCaptureStream() const
get optional pointer to stdout capture stream
Definition processbase.h:127
void SetArguments(const Util::String &args)
set command line arguments
Definition processbase.h:99
void SetWorkingDirectory(const IO::URI &uri)
set working directory
Definition processbase.h:90
virtual bool LaunchWait() const =0
launch application and wait for its termination
Ptr< IO::Stream > stderrCaptureStream
Definition processbase.h:61
bool isRunning
Definition processbase.h:56
const Ptr< IO::Stream > & GetStderrCaptureStream() const
get optional pointer to stderr capture stream
Definition processbase.h:145
void SetStderrCaptureStream(const Ptr< IO::Stream > &stream)
set optional stderr capture stream
Definition processbase.h:136
Definition processbase.h:69
void SetStdoutCaptureStream(const Ptr< IO::Stream > &stream)
set optional stdout capture stream
Definition processbase.h:118
virtual bool IsRunning()=0
Gets the state of application. Call this per frame.
void SetNoConsoleWindow(bool b)
do not open a console window for the new process
Definition processbase.h:109
bool noConsoleWindow
Definition processbase.h:55
Util::String args
Definition processbase.h:59
IO::URI exePath
Definition processbase.h:57
virtual bool Launch()=0
launch application (returns immediately)
An URI object can split a Uniform Resource Identifier string into its components or build a string fr...
Definition uri.h:67
Nebula's smart pointer class which manages the life time of RefCounted objects.
Definition ptr.h:38
Nebula's universal string class.
Definition String.cs:8