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Net::StdTcpClient Class Reference

#include <stdtcpclient.h>

Detailed Description

A TcpClient object is used to communicate with a TcpServer.

Any number of clients can connect to a TcpServer, each connected client spawns a TcpClientConnection object on the server side which represents this client on the server. Sending and receiving data is handled through streams, streams offer the most flexible model to read and write data in different formats by connecting different stream readers and stream writers. The idea is to write data to the send stream, and to send of the accumulated data in the send stream once by calling the Send() method. To receive data from the server, call the Recv() method which will either block until, or return true in non-blocking mode as soon as data is available. The received data will be written into the receive stream, where the application can read it in any way it desires.

Inherits Core::RefCounted.

Public Types

enum  Result { Error , Success , Connecting }

Public Member Functions

 StdTcpClient ()
virtual ~StdTcpClient ()
void SetBlocking (bool b)
 enable/disable blocking behaviour
bool IsBlocking () const
 get blocking behaviour
void SetServerAddress (const IpAddress &addr)
 set the server address to connect to
const IpAddressGetServerAddress () const
 get the server address
Result Connect ()
 establish a connection with the server
void Disconnect ()
 disconnect from the server
bool IsConnected ()
 return true if currently connected
bool Send ()
 send accumulated content of send stream to server
const Ptr< IO::Stream > & GetSendStream ()
 access to send stream
bool Recv ()
 receive data from server into recv stream
const Ptr< IO::Stream > & GetRecvStream ()
 access to recv stream
- Public Member Functions inherited from Core::RefCounted
 RefCounted ()
int GetRefCount () const
 get the current refcount
void AddRef ()
 increment refcount by one
void Release ()
 decrement refcount and destroy object if refcount is zero
bool IsInstanceOf (const Rtti &rtti) const
 return true if this object is instance of given class
bool IsInstanceOf (const Util::String &className) const
 return true if this object is instance of given class by string
bool IsInstanceOf (const Util::FourCC &classFourCC) const
 return true if this object is instance of given class by fourcc
bool IsA (const Rtti &rtti) const
 return true if this object is instance of given class, or a derived class
bool IsA (const Util::String &rttiName) const
 return true if this object is instance of given class, or a derived class, by string
bool IsA (const Util::FourCC &rttiFourCC) const
 return true if this object is instance of given class, or a derived class, by fourcc
const Util::StringGetClassName () const
 get the class name
Util::FourCC GetClassFourCC () const
 get the class FourCC code

Protected Attributes

Ptr< Socketsocket
IpAddress serverAddr
bool blocking
Ptr< IO::StreamsendStream
Ptr< IO::StreamrecvStream
bool inConnectionState

Private Member Functions

 __DeclareClass (StdTcpClient)

Additional Inherited Members

- Static Public Member Functions inherited from Core::RefCounted
static void DumpRefCountingLeaks ()
 dump refcounting leaks, call at end of application (NEBULA_DEBUG builds only!)
- Protected Member Functions inherited from Core::RefCounted
virtual ~RefCounted ()
 destructor (called when refcount reaches zero)

Member Enumeration Documentation

◆ Result


Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ StdTcpClient()

Net::StdTcpClient::StdTcpClient ( )


◆ ~StdTcpClient()

Net::StdTcpClient::~StdTcpClient ( )


Member Function Documentation

◆ __DeclareClass()

Net::StdTcpClient::__DeclareClass ( StdTcpClient )

◆ Connect()

StdTcpClient::Result Net::StdTcpClient::Connect ( )

establish a connection with the server

Establish a connection with the server.

If the client is set to non-blocking at the time this method is called, it will return immediately with the result Connecting. To check if the connection is standing, just call Connect() again in intervals which will eventually return Success. On a blocking client, connect returns after a connection has been established, or with a time out when no connection could be established.

◆ Disconnect()

void Net::StdTcpClient::Disconnect ( )

disconnect from the server

This disconnects the current connection.

◆ GetRecvStream()

const Ptr< Stream > & Net::StdTcpClient::GetRecvStream ( )

access to recv stream

◆ GetSendStream()

const Ptr< Stream > & Net::StdTcpClient::GetSendStream ( )

access to send stream

◆ GetServerAddress()

const IpAddress & Net::StdTcpClient::GetServerAddress ( ) const

get the server address

◆ IsBlocking()

bool Net::StdTcpClient::IsBlocking ( ) const

get blocking behaviour

◆ IsConnected()

bool Net::StdTcpClient::IsConnected ( )

return true if currently connected

Return true if the socket is currently connected.

This will actually probe the connection using a select().

◆ Recv()

bool Net::StdTcpClient::Recv ( )

receive data from server into recv stream

◆ Send()

bool Net::StdTcpClient::Send ( )

send accumulated content of send stream to server

◆ SetBlocking()

void Net::StdTcpClient::SetBlocking ( bool b)

enable/disable blocking behaviour

◆ SetServerAddress()

void Net::StdTcpClient::SetServerAddress ( const IpAddress & addr)

set the server address to connect to

Member Data Documentation

◆ blocking

bool Net::StdTcpClient::blocking

◆ inConnectionState

bool Net::StdTcpClient::inConnectionState

◆ recvStream

Ptr<IO::Stream> Net::StdTcpClient::recvStream

◆ sendStream

Ptr<IO::Stream> Net::StdTcpClient::sendStream

◆ serverAddr

IpAddress Net::StdTcpClient::serverAddr

◆ socket

Ptr<Socket> Net::StdTcpClient::socket

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