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GLFW Namespace Reference


class  GLFWDisplayDevice
class  GLFWGraphicsDisplayEventHandler
 Handles DisplayEvents that are relevant for the graphics system. More...
class  GLFWInputDisplayEventHandler
class  GLFWInputServer


 __ImplementClass (GLFW::GLFWInputServer, 'GLIS', Base::InputServerBase)
 __ImplementSingleton (GLFW::GLFWInputServer)
 __ImplementClass (GLFW::GLFWDisplayDevice, 'O4WD', Base::DisplayDeviceBase)
 __ImplementSingleton (GLFW::GLFWDisplayDevice)
bool MatchPixelFormat (PixelFormat::Code format, const GLFWvidmode &mode)
void staticKeyFunc (GLFWwindow *window, int key, int scancode, int action, int mods)
 callback for key events
void staticCharFunc (GLFWwindow *window, unsigned int key)
 callbacks for character input
void staticMouseButtonFunc (GLFWwindow *window, int button, int action, int mods)
 declare static mouse button function as friend
void staticMouseFunc (GLFWwindow *window, double xpos, double ypos)
 callbacks for mouse position
void staticScrollFunc (GLFWwindow *window, double xs, double ys)
 callbacks for scroll event
void staticCloseFunc (GLFWwindow *window)
 callback for close requested
void staticFocusFunc (GLFWwindow *window, int focus)
 callback for focus
void staticSizeFunc (GLFWwindow *window, int width, int height)
 declare static size function as friend
void staticDropFunc (GLFWwindow *window, int files, const char **args)
void KeyFunc (const CoreGraphics::WindowId &id, int key, int scancode, int action, int mods)
 Keyboard callback.
void CharFunc (const CoreGraphics::WindowId &id, unsigned int key)
 Character callback.
void MouseButtonFunc (const CoreGraphics::WindowId &id, int button, int action, int mods)
 Mouse Button callback.
void MouseFunc (const CoreGraphics::WindowId &id, double xpos, double ypos)
 Mouse callback.
void ScrollFunc (const CoreGraphics::WindowId &id, double xs, double ys)
 Scroll callback.
void CloseFunc (const CoreGraphics::WindowId &id)
 window close func
void FocusFunc (const CoreGraphics::WindowId &id, int focus)
 window focus
void EnableCallbacks (const CoreGraphics::WindowId &id)
 enables callbacks
void DisableCallbacks (const CoreGraphics::WindowId &id)
 disables callbacks
const WindowId InternalSetupFunction (const CoreGraphics::WindowCreateInfo &info, const Util::Blob &windowData, bool embed)
 internal setup function, either does embedding or ordinary opening
void ResizeFunc (const CoreGraphics::WindowId &id, int width, int height)
 window resize
 __ImplementClass (GLFW::GLFWGraphicsDisplayEventHandler, 'WGEH', CoreGraphics::DisplayEventHandler)
 __ImplementClass (GLFW::GLFWInputDisplayEventHandler, 'WIEH', CoreGraphics::DisplayEventHandler)

Function Documentation

◆ __ImplementClass() [1/4]

GLFW::__ImplementClass ( GLFW::GLFWDisplayDevice ,
'O4WD' ,
Base::DisplayDeviceBase  )

◆ __ImplementClass() [2/4]

◆ __ImplementClass() [3/4]

◆ __ImplementClass() [4/4]

GLFW::__ImplementClass ( GLFW::GLFWInputServer ,
'GLIS' ,
Base::InputServerBase  )

◆ __ImplementSingleton() [1/2]

GLFW::__ImplementSingleton ( GLFW::GLFWDisplayDevice )

◆ __ImplementSingleton() [2/2]

GLFW::__ImplementSingleton ( GLFW::GLFWInputServer )

◆ CharFunc()

void GLFW::CharFunc ( const CoreGraphics::WindowId & id,
unsigned int key )

Character callback.

◆ CloseFunc()

void GLFW::CloseFunc ( const CoreGraphics::WindowId & id)

window close func

◆ DisableCallbacks()

void GLFW::DisableCallbacks ( const CoreGraphics::WindowId & id)

disables callbacks

◆ EnableCallbacks()

void GLFW::EnableCallbacks ( const CoreGraphics::WindowId & id)

enables callbacks

◆ FocusFunc()

void GLFW::FocusFunc ( const CoreGraphics::WindowId & id,
int focus )

window focus

◆ InternalSetupFunction()

const CoreGraphics::WindowId GLFW::InternalSetupFunction ( const WindowCreateInfo & info,
const Util::Blob & windowData,
bool embed )

internal setup function, either does embedding or ordinary opening

◆ KeyFunc()

void GLFW::KeyFunc ( const CoreGraphics::WindowId & id,
int key,
int scancode,
int action,
int mods )

Keyboard callback.

◆ MatchPixelFormat()

bool GLFW::MatchPixelFormat ( PixelFormat::Code format,
const GLFWvidmode & mode )

◆ MouseButtonFunc()

void GLFW::MouseButtonFunc ( const CoreGraphics::WindowId & id,
int button,
int action,
int mods )

Mouse Button callback.

◆ MouseFunc()

void GLFW::MouseFunc ( const CoreGraphics::WindowId & id,
double xpos,
double ypos )

Mouse callback.

◆ ResizeFunc()

void GLFW::ResizeFunc ( const CoreGraphics::WindowId & id,
int width,
int height )

window resize

◆ ScrollFunc()

void GLFW::ScrollFunc ( const CoreGraphics::WindowId & id,
double xs,
double ys )

Scroll callback.

◆ staticCharFunc()

void GLFW::staticCharFunc ( GLFWwindow * window,
unsigned int key )

callbacks for character input

declare static char function as friend

◆ staticCloseFunc()

void GLFW::staticCloseFunc ( GLFWwindow * window)

callback for close requested

declare static close function as friend

◆ staticDropFunc()

void GLFW::staticDropFunc ( GLFWwindow * window,
int files,
const char ** args )

◆ staticFocusFunc()

void GLFW::staticFocusFunc ( GLFWwindow * window,
int focus )

callback for focus

declare static focus function as friend

◆ staticKeyFunc()

void GLFW::staticKeyFunc ( GLFWwindow * window,
int key,
int scancode,
int action,
int mods )

callback for key events

declare static key function as friend

◆ staticMouseButtonFunc()

void GLFW::staticMouseButtonFunc ( GLFWwindow * window,
int button,
int action,
int mods )

declare static mouse button function as friend

◆ staticMouseFunc()

void GLFW::staticMouseFunc ( GLFWwindow * window,
double xpos,
double ypos )

callbacks for mouse position

declare static mouse function as friend

◆ staticScrollFunc()

void GLFW::staticScrollFunc ( GLFWwindow * window,
double xs,
double ys )

callbacks for scroll event

declare static scroll function as friend

◆ staticSizeFunc()

void GLFW::staticSizeFunc ( GLFWwindow * window,
int width,
int height )

declare static size function as friend