No Matches
CoreGraphics::TextureViewCreateInfo Struct Reference

#include <textureview.h>

Public Attributes

Util::StringAtom name = ""
TextureId tex = InvalidTextureId
IndexT startMip = 0
SizeT numMips = 1
IndexT startLayer = 0
SizeT numLayers = 1
PixelFormat::Code format = PixelFormat::InvalidPixelFormat
ImageBits bits = ImageBits::ColorBits
CoreGraphics::TextureSwizzle swizzle = { TextureChannelMapping::None, TextureChannelMapping::None, TextureChannelMapping::None, TextureChannelMapping::None }

Member Data Documentation

◆ bits

ImageBits CoreGraphics::TextureViewCreateInfo::bits = ImageBits::ColorBits

◆ format

PixelFormat::Code CoreGraphics::TextureViewCreateInfo::format = PixelFormat::InvalidPixelFormat

◆ name

Util::StringAtom CoreGraphics::TextureViewCreateInfo::name = ""

◆ numLayers

SizeT CoreGraphics::TextureViewCreateInfo::numLayers = 1

◆ numMips

SizeT CoreGraphics::TextureViewCreateInfo::numMips = 1

◆ startLayer

IndexT CoreGraphics::TextureViewCreateInfo::startLayer = 0

◆ startMip

IndexT CoreGraphics::TextureViewCreateInfo::startMip = 0

◆ swizzle

◆ tex

TextureId CoreGraphics::TextureViewCreateInfo::tex = InvalidTextureId

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