No Matches
Mathf.Rectangle Struct Reference

Detailed Description

Describes a 2D-rectangle.

Inherits IEquatable.

Public Member Functions

 Rectangle (int x, int y, int width, int height)
 Creates a new instance of Rectangle struct, with the specified position, width, and height.
 Rectangle (Point location, Point size)
 Creates a new instance of Rectangle struct, with the specified location and size.
bool Contains (int x, int y)
 Gets whether or not the provided coordinates lie within the bounds of this Rectangle.
bool Contains (float x, float y)
 Gets whether or not the provided coordinates lie within the bounds of this Rectangle.
bool Contains (Point value)
 Gets whether or not the provided Point lies within the bounds of this Rectangle.
void Contains (ref Point value, out bool result)
 Gets whether or not the provided Point lies within the bounds of this Rectangle.
bool Contains (Vector2 value)
 Gets whether or not the provided Vector2 lies within the bounds of this Rectangle.
void Contains (ref Vector2 value, out bool result)
 Gets whether or not the provided Vector2 lies within the bounds of this Rectangle.
bool Contains (Rectangle value)
 Gets whether or not the provided Rectangle lies within the bounds of this Rectangle.
void Contains (ref Rectangle value, out bool result)
 Gets whether or not the provided Rectangle lies within the bounds of this Rectangle.
override bool Equals (object obj)
 Compares whether current instance is equal to specified Object.
bool Equals (Rectangle other)
 Compares whether current instance is equal to specified Rectangle.
override int GetHashCode ()
 Gets the hash code of this Rectangle.
void Inflate (int horizontalAmount, int verticalAmount)
 Adjusts the edges of this Rectangle by specified horizontal and vertical amounts.
void Inflate (float horizontalAmount, float verticalAmount)
 Adjusts the edges of this Rectangle by specified horizontal and vertical amounts.
bool Intersects (Rectangle value)
 Gets whether or not the other Rectangle intersects with this rectangle.
void Intersects (ref Rectangle value, out bool result)
 Gets whether or not the other Rectangle intersects with this rectangle.
void Offset (int offsetX, int offsetY)
 Changes the Location of this Rectangle.
void Offset (float offsetX, float offsetY)
 Changes the Location of this Rectangle.
void Offset (Point amount)
 Changes the Location of this Rectangle.
void Offset (Vector2 amount)
 Changes the Location of this Rectangle.
override string ToString ()
 Returns a String representation of this Rectangle in the format: {X:[X] Y:[Y] Width:[Width] Height:[Height]}.
void Deconstruct (out int x, out int y, out int width, out int height)
 Deconstruction method for Rectangle.

Static Public Member Functions

static bool operator== (Rectangle a, Rectangle b)
 Compares whether two Rectangle instances are equal.
static bool operator!= (Rectangle a, Rectangle b)
 Compares whether two Rectangle instances are not equal.
static Rectangle Intersect (Rectangle value1, Rectangle value2)
 Creates a new Rectangle that contains overlapping region of two other rectangles.
static void Intersect (ref Rectangle value1, ref Rectangle value2, out Rectangle result)
 Creates a new Rectangle that contains overlapping region of two other rectangles.
static Rectangle Union (Rectangle value1, Rectangle value2)
 Creates a new Rectangle that completely contains two other rectangles.
static void Union (ref Rectangle value1, ref Rectangle value2, out Rectangle result)
 Creates a new Rectangle that completely contains two other rectangles.

Public Attributes

int X
 The x coordinate of the top-left corner of this Rectangle.
int Y
 The y coordinate of the top-left corner of this Rectangle.
int Width
 The width of this Rectangle.
int Height
 The height of this Rectangle.


static Rectangle Empty [get]
 Returns a Rectangle with X=0, Y=0, Width=0, Height=0.
int Left [get]
 Returns the x coordinate of the left edge of this Rectangle.
int Right [get]
 Returns the x coordinate of the right edge of this Rectangle.
int Top [get]
 Returns the y coordinate of the top edge of this Rectangle.
int Bottom [get]
 Returns the y coordinate of the bottom edge of this Rectangle.
bool IsEmpty [get]
 Whether or not this Rectangle has a Width and Height of 0, and a Location of (0, 0).
Point Location [get, set]
 The top-left coordinates of this Rectangle.
Point Size [get, set]
 The width-height coordinates of this Rectangle.
Point Center [get]
 A Point located in the center of this Rectangle.
string DebugDisplayString [get]

Static Private Attributes

static Rectangle emptyRectangle = new Rectangle()

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ Rectangle() [1/2]

Mathf.Rectangle.Rectangle ( int x,
int y,
int width,
int height )

Creates a new instance of Rectangle struct, with the specified position, width, and height.

xThe x coordinate of the top-left corner of the created Rectangle.
yThe y coordinate of the top-left corner of the created Rectangle.
widthThe width of the created Rectangle.
heightThe height of the created Rectangle.

◆ Rectangle() [2/2]

Mathf.Rectangle.Rectangle ( Point location,
Point size )

Creates a new instance of Rectangle struct, with the specified location and size.

locationThe x and y coordinates of the top-left corner of the created Rectangle.
sizeThe width and height of the created Rectangle.

Member Function Documentation

◆ Contains() [1/8]

bool Mathf.Rectangle.Contains ( float x,
float y )

Gets whether or not the provided coordinates lie within the bounds of this Rectangle.

xThe x coordinate of the point to check for containment.
yThe y coordinate of the point to check for containment.
true if the provided coordinates lie inside this Rectangle; false otherwise.

◆ Contains() [2/8]

bool Mathf.Rectangle.Contains ( int x,
int y )

Gets whether or not the provided coordinates lie within the bounds of this Rectangle.

xThe x coordinate of the point to check for containment.
yThe y coordinate of the point to check for containment.
true if the provided coordinates lie inside this Rectangle; false otherwise.

◆ Contains() [3/8]

bool Mathf.Rectangle.Contains ( Point value)

Gets whether or not the provided Point lies within the bounds of this Rectangle.

valueThe coordinates to check for inclusion in this Rectangle.
true if the provided Point lies inside this Rectangle; false otherwise.

◆ Contains() [4/8]

bool Mathf.Rectangle.Contains ( Rectangle value)

Gets whether or not the provided Rectangle lies within the bounds of this Rectangle.

valueThe Rectangle to check for inclusion in this Rectangle.
true if the provided Rectangle's bounds lie entirely inside this Rectangle; false otherwise.

◆ Contains() [5/8]

void Mathf.Rectangle.Contains ( ref Point value,
out bool result )

Gets whether or not the provided Point lies within the bounds of this Rectangle.

valueThe coordinates to check for inclusion in this Rectangle.
resulttrue if the provided Point lies inside this Rectangle; false otherwise. As an output parameter.

◆ Contains() [6/8]

void Mathf.Rectangle.Contains ( ref Rectangle value,
out bool result )

Gets whether or not the provided Rectangle lies within the bounds of this Rectangle.

valueThe Rectangle to check for inclusion in this Rectangle.
resulttrue if the provided Rectangle's bounds lie entirely inside this Rectangle; false otherwise. As an output parameter.

◆ Contains() [7/8]

void Mathf.Rectangle.Contains ( ref Vector2 value,
out bool result )

Gets whether or not the provided Vector2 lies within the bounds of this Rectangle.

valueThe coordinates to check for inclusion in this Rectangle.
resulttrue if the provided Vector2 lies inside this Rectangle; false otherwise. As an output parameter.

◆ Contains() [8/8]

bool Mathf.Rectangle.Contains ( Vector2 value)

Gets whether or not the provided Vector2 lies within the bounds of this Rectangle.

valueThe coordinates to check for inclusion in this Rectangle.
true if the provided Vector2 lies inside this Rectangle; false otherwise.

◆ Deconstruct()

void Mathf.Rectangle.Deconstruct ( out int x,
out int y,
out int width,
out int height )

Deconstruction method for Rectangle.


◆ Equals() [1/2]

override bool Mathf.Rectangle.Equals ( object obj)

Compares whether current instance is equal to specified Object.

objThe Object to compare.
true if the instances are equal; false otherwise.

◆ Equals() [2/2]

bool Mathf.Rectangle.Equals ( Rectangle other)

Compares whether current instance is equal to specified Rectangle.

otherThe Rectangle to compare.
true if the instances are equal; false otherwise.

◆ GetHashCode()

override int Mathf.Rectangle.GetHashCode ( )

Gets the hash code of this Rectangle.

Hash code of this Rectangle.

◆ Inflate() [1/2]

void Mathf.Rectangle.Inflate ( float horizontalAmount,
float verticalAmount )

Adjusts the edges of this Rectangle by specified horizontal and vertical amounts.

horizontalAmountValue to adjust the left and right edges.
verticalAmountValue to adjust the top and bottom edges.

◆ Inflate() [2/2]

void Mathf.Rectangle.Inflate ( int horizontalAmount,
int verticalAmount )

Adjusts the edges of this Rectangle by specified horizontal and vertical amounts.

horizontalAmountValue to adjust the left and right edges.
verticalAmountValue to adjust the top and bottom edges.

◆ Intersect() [1/2]

static Rectangle Mathf.Rectangle.Intersect ( Rectangle value1,
Rectangle value2 )

Creates a new Rectangle that contains overlapping region of two other rectangles.

value1The first Rectangle.
value2The second Rectangle.
Overlapping region of the two rectangles.

◆ Intersect() [2/2]

static void Mathf.Rectangle.Intersect ( ref Rectangle value1,
ref Rectangle value2,
out Rectangle result )

Creates a new Rectangle that contains overlapping region of two other rectangles.

value1The first Rectangle.
value2The second Rectangle.
resultOverlapping region of the two rectangles as an output parameter.

◆ Intersects() [1/2]

bool Mathf.Rectangle.Intersects ( Rectangle value)

Gets whether or not the other Rectangle intersects with this rectangle.

valueThe other rectangle for testing.
true if other Rectangle intersects with this rectangle; false otherwise.

◆ Intersects() [2/2]

void Mathf.Rectangle.Intersects ( ref Rectangle value,
out bool result )

Gets whether or not the other Rectangle intersects with this rectangle.

valueThe other rectangle for testing.
resulttrue if other Rectangle intersects with this rectangle; false otherwise. As an output parameter.

◆ Offset() [1/4]

void Mathf.Rectangle.Offset ( float offsetX,
float offsetY )

Changes the Location of this Rectangle.

offsetXThe x coordinate to add to this Rectangle.
offsetYThe y coordinate to add to this Rectangle.

◆ Offset() [2/4]

void Mathf.Rectangle.Offset ( int offsetX,
int offsetY )

Changes the Location of this Rectangle.

offsetXThe x coordinate to add to this Rectangle.
offsetYThe y coordinate to add to this Rectangle.

◆ Offset() [3/4]

void Mathf.Rectangle.Offset ( Point amount)

Changes the Location of this Rectangle.

amountThe x and y components to add to this Rectangle.

◆ Offset() [4/4]

void Mathf.Rectangle.Offset ( Vector2 amount)

Changes the Location of this Rectangle.

amountThe x and y components to add to this Rectangle.

◆ operator!=()

static bool Mathf.Rectangle.operator!= ( Rectangle a,
Rectangle b )

Compares whether two Rectangle instances are not equal.

aRectangle instance on the left of the not equal sign.
bRectangle instance on the right of the not equal sign.
true if the instances are not equal; false otherwise.

◆ operator==()

static bool Mathf.Rectangle.operator== ( Rectangle a,
Rectangle b )

Compares whether two Rectangle instances are equal.

aRectangle instance on the left of the equal sign.
bRectangle instance on the right of the equal sign.
true if the instances are equal; false otherwise.

◆ ToString()

override string Mathf.Rectangle.ToString ( )

Returns a String representation of this Rectangle in the format: {X:[X] Y:[Y] Width:[Width] Height:[Height]}.

String representation of this Rectangle.

◆ Union() [1/2]

static Rectangle Mathf.Rectangle.Union ( Rectangle value1,
Rectangle value2 )

Creates a new Rectangle that completely contains two other rectangles.

value1The first Rectangle.
value2The second Rectangle.
The union of the two rectangles.

◆ Union() [2/2]

static void Mathf.Rectangle.Union ( ref Rectangle value1,
ref Rectangle value2,
out Rectangle result )

Creates a new Rectangle that completely contains two other rectangles.

value1The first Rectangle.
value2The second Rectangle.
resultThe union of the two rectangles as an output parameter.

Member Data Documentation

◆ emptyRectangle

Rectangle Mathf.Rectangle.emptyRectangle = new Rectangle()

◆ Height

int Mathf.Rectangle.Height

The height of this Rectangle.

◆ Width

int Mathf.Rectangle.Width

The width of this Rectangle.

◆ X

int Mathf.Rectangle.X

The x coordinate of the top-left corner of this Rectangle.

◆ Y

int Mathf.Rectangle.Y

The y coordinate of the top-left corner of this Rectangle.

Property Documentation

◆ Bottom

int Mathf.Rectangle.Bottom

Returns the y coordinate of the bottom edge of this Rectangle.

◆ Center

Point Mathf.Rectangle.Center

A Point located in the center of this Rectangle.

If Width or Height is an odd number, the center point will be rounded down.

◆ DebugDisplayString

string Mathf.Rectangle.DebugDisplayString

◆ Empty

Rectangle Mathf.Rectangle.Empty

Returns a Rectangle with X=0, Y=0, Width=0, Height=0.

◆ IsEmpty

bool Mathf.Rectangle.IsEmpty

Whether or not this Rectangle has a Width and Height of 0, and a Location of (0, 0).

◆ Left

int Mathf.Rectangle.Left

Returns the x coordinate of the left edge of this Rectangle.

◆ Location

Point Mathf.Rectangle.Location

The top-left coordinates of this Rectangle.

◆ Right

int Mathf.Rectangle.Right

Returns the x coordinate of the right edge of this Rectangle.

◆ Size

Point Mathf.Rectangle.Size

The width-height coordinates of this Rectangle.

◆ Top

int Mathf.Rectangle.Top

Returns the y coordinate of the top edge of this Rectangle.

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