No Matches
event.h File Reference
#include "ids/id.h"
#include "ids/idpool.h"
#include "coregraphics/barrier.h"
#include "coregraphics/commandbuffer.h"
#include "coregraphics/config.h"
#include "util/stringatom.h"

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struct  CoreGraphics::EventId
struct  CoreGraphics::EventCreateInfo


namespace  CoreGraphics
 Acceleration structures are used to enable ray tracing on the GPU by dividing the scene into a BVH.


EventId CoreGraphics::CreateEvent (const EventCreateInfo &info)
 create new event
void CoreGraphics::DestroyEvent (const EventId id)
 destroy even
void CoreGraphics::EventSignal (const EventId id, const CoreGraphics::CmdBufferId buf, const CoreGraphics::PipelineStage stage)
 insert event in command buffer to be signaled
void CoreGraphics::EventWait (const EventId id, const CoreGraphics::QueueType queue, const CoreGraphics::PipelineStage waitStage, const CoreGraphics::PipelineStage signalStage)
 insert event in queue to wait for
void CoreGraphics::EventWait (const EventId id, const CoreGraphics::CmdBufferId buf, const CoreGraphics::PipelineStage waitStage, const CoreGraphics::PipelineStage signalStage)
 insert event in command buffer to wait for
void CoreGraphics::EventReset (const EventId id, const CoreGraphics::CmdBufferId buf, const CoreGraphics::PipelineStage stage)
 insert reset event
void CoreGraphics::EventWaitAndReset (const EventId id, const CoreGraphics::CmdBufferId buf, const CoreGraphics::PipelineStage waitStage, const CoreGraphics::PipelineStage signalStage)
 insert both a wait and reset
bool CoreGraphics::EventPoll (const EventId id)
 get event status on host
void CoreGraphics::EventHostReset (const EventId id)
 unset event on host
void CoreGraphics::EventHostSignal (const EventId id)
 signal event on host
void CoreGraphics::EventHostWait (const EventId id)
 wait for event to be signaled on host