No Matches
Todo List
Member Dynui::ImguiContext::RecoverImGuiContextErrors ()
update imgui and uncomment the commented code below!
Class Event
describe Event class
Member Game::BlueprintManager::CreateCategory (World *const world, BlueprintId bid)
this can be optimized
Member Game::GameServer::DestroyWorld (uint32_t worldHash)
The world index should be recycled.
Member Game::Message< MSG, TYPES >::Distribute (TYPES ...)
Implement networked messages.
Member Game::Message< MSG, TYPES >::distributedMessages
This should be updated by some NetworkMessageManager-y object.
Namespace Game::TimeManager
Thread safety
Class IO::BinaryReader
convert endianess!
Class IO::BinaryWriter
convert endianess!
Member IO::IoInterfaceHandler::OnReadStream (const Ptr< IO::ReadStream > &msg)
handle non-mappable stream!
Member IO::IoInterfaceHandler::OnWriteStream (const Ptr< IO::WriteStream > &msg)
handle non-mappable stream
Member IO::URI::Split (const Util::String &s)
: this is too complicated...
Member Math::fchop (scalar f)
type cast to int is slow!
Member Math::line::intersect (const line &l, point &pa, point &pb) const
: Untested! Replace with simpler code.
Member Messaging::Port::Send (const Ptr< Message > &msg)
should we stop here, once the message had been handled...?
Class OSX::OSXCriticalSection
: Add debugging asserts? If yes wrap with new __NEBULA-define
Class OSX::OSXThreadLocalPtr< TYPE >

: Performance? Would it actually be better to allocate one pointer lookup-table and associate this with a single thread-local key as like on the Wii? At the moment every Ptr has its own key.

: If this object will be used for anything else then singleton, it might make sense to change the interface to look like a normal C-pointer.

: Performance? Would it actually be better to allocate one pointer lookup-table and associate this with a single thread-local key as like on the Wii? At the moment every Ptr has its own key.

: If this object will be used for anything else then singleton, it might make sense to change the interface to look like a normal C-pointer.

Class Posix::PosixTimer
solve multiprocessor issues of QueryPerformanceCounter() (different processors may return different PerformanceFrequency values, thus, threads should be prevented from switching between processors with thread affinities).
Member RenderUtil::MouseRayUtil::ComputeWorldMouseRayOrtho (const Math::vec2 &mousePos, float length, const Math::mat4 &invViewMatrix, const Math::mat4 &invProjMatrix, float nearPlane)
There are better ways to do this!
Class Thread
describe Thread class
Member Util::Array< TYPE, SMALL_VECTOR_SIZE >::Difference (const Array< TYPE, SMALL_VECTOR_SIZE > &rhs)
this method is broken, check test case to see why!
Member Util::ArrayStack< TYPE, STACK_SIZE >::Difference (const ArrayStack< TYPE, STACK_SIZE > &rhs)
this method is broken, check test case to see why!
Member Util::FixedArray< TYPE >::BinarySearchIndex (const TYPE &val) const
hmm, this is copy-pasted from Array...
Class Util::Queue< TYPE >
This is extremely slow and should probably use a list instead.
File valuetype.h
Add quaternions and additional types that are missing
Class Win32::Win32Timer
solve multiprocessor issues of QueryPerformanceCounter() (different processors may return different PerformanceFrequency values, thus, threads should be prevented from switching between processors with thread affinities).