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win32memory.h File Reference

Detailed Description

Memory subsystem features for win32.

#include "core/config.h"
#include "core/debug.h"
#include "threading/interlocked.h"
#include "memory/win32/win32memoryconfig.h"
#include "memory/win32/winmemory.h"
#include <new>

Go to the source code of this file.


struct  Memory::TotalMemoryStatus
 Get the system's total current memory, this does not only include Nebula's memory allocations but the memory usage of the entire system. More...


namespace  Memory
 Allocates memory using the TLSF method (, with extended handling of padding to better suit GPUs.


#define StackAlloc(size)   _malloca(size);
 Allocate memory on the stack.
 Debug function which validates the process heap.
#define __MEMORY_VALIDATE(s)


void * Memory::Alloc (HeapType heapType, size_t size, size_t alignment)
 Allocate a block of memory from one of the global heaps.
void * Memory::Realloc (HeapType heapType, void *ptr, size_t size)
 Re-Allocate a block of memory from one of the global heaps.
void Memory::Free (HeapType heapType, void *ptr)
 Free a block of memory.
__forceinline void * Memory::AllocVirtual (size_t size)
 allocate a range of virtual memory space
__forceinline void Memory::CommitVirtual (void *ptr, size_t size)
 commit virtual memory
__forceinline void Memory::DecommitVirtual (void *ptr, size_t size)
 decommit virtual memory
__forceinline void Memory::FreeVirtual (void *ptr, size_t size)
 free virtual memory
char * Memory::DuplicateCString (const char *from)
 Duplicate a 0-terminated string, this method should no longer be used!
bool Memory::IsOverlapping (const unsigned char *srcPtr, size_t srcSize, const unsigned char *dstPtr, size_t dstSize)
 Test if 2 areas of memory areas are overlapping.
TotalMemoryStatus Memory::GetTotalMemoryStatus ()
 Get the system's total memory status.
void Memory::DumpTotalMemoryStatus ()
 Dump detail memory status information.

Macro Definition Documentation


#define __MEMORY_CHECKPOINT ( s)

Debug function which validates the process heap.

This will NOT check local heaps (call Heap::ValidateAllHeaps() for this). Stops the program if something is wrong.


#define __MEMORY_VALIDATE ( s)

◆ StackAlloc

#define StackAlloc ( size)    _malloca(size);

Allocate memory on the stack.