No Matches File Reference


namespace  CoreGraphics
 Acceleration structures are used to enable ray tracing on the GPU by dividing the scene into a BVH.
namespace  GLFW


void GLFW::staticKeyFunc (GLFWwindow *window, int key, int scancode, int action, int mods)
 callback for key events
void GLFW::staticCharFunc (GLFWwindow *window, unsigned int key)
 callbacks for character input
void GLFW::staticMouseButtonFunc (GLFWwindow *window, int button, int action, int mods)
 declare static mouse button function as friend
void GLFW::staticMouseFunc (GLFWwindow *window, double xpos, double ypos)
 callbacks for mouse position
void GLFW::staticScrollFunc (GLFWwindow *window, double xs, double ys)
 callbacks for scroll event
void GLFW::staticCloseFunc (GLFWwindow *window)
 callback for close requested
void GLFW::staticFocusFunc (GLFWwindow *window, int focus)
 callback for focus
void GLFW::staticSizeFunc (GLFWwindow *window, int width, int height)
 declare static size function as friend
void GLFW::staticDropFunc (GLFWwindow *window, int files, const char **args)
void GLFW::KeyFunc (const CoreGraphics::WindowId &id, int key, int scancode, int action, int mods)
 Keyboard callback.
void GLFW::CharFunc (const CoreGraphics::WindowId &id, unsigned int key)
 Character callback.
void GLFW::MouseButtonFunc (const CoreGraphics::WindowId &id, int button, int action, int mods)
 Mouse Button callback.
void GLFW::MouseFunc (const CoreGraphics::WindowId &id, double xpos, double ypos)
 Mouse callback.
void GLFW::ScrollFunc (const CoreGraphics::WindowId &id, double xs, double ys)
 Scroll callback.
void GLFW::CloseFunc (const CoreGraphics::WindowId &id)
 window close func
void GLFW::FocusFunc (const CoreGraphics::WindowId &id, int focus)
 window focus
void GLFW::EnableCallbacks (const CoreGraphics::WindowId &id)
 enables callbacks
void GLFW::DisableCallbacks (const CoreGraphics::WindowId &id)
 disables callbacks
const WindowId GLFW::InternalSetupFunction (const WindowCreateInfo &info, const Util::Blob &windowData, bool embed)
 internal setup function, either does embedding or ordinary opening
void GLFW::ResizeFunc (const CoreGraphics::WindowId &id, int width, int height)
 window resize
const WindowId CoreGraphics::CreateWindow (const WindowCreateInfo &info)
 create new window
const WindowId CoreGraphics::EmbedWindow (const Util::Blob &windowData)
 embed window in another window
void CoreGraphics::DestroyWindow (const WindowId id)
 destroy window
void CoreGraphics::WindowResize (const WindowId id, SizeT newWidth, SizeT newHeight)
 resize window
void CoreGraphics::WindowSetTitle (const WindowId id, const Util::String &title)
 set title for window
void CoreGraphics::WindowApplyFullscreen (const WindowId id, Adapter::Code monitor, bool b)
 toggle fullscreen
void CoreGraphics::WindowSetCursorVisible (const WindowId id, bool b)
 set if the cursor should be visible
void CoreGraphics::WindowSetCursorLocked (const WindowId id, bool b)
 set if the cursor should be locked to the window
void CoreGraphics::WindowMakeCurrent (const WindowId id)
 make window 'current'
void CoreGraphics::WindowPresent (const WindowId id, const IndexT frameIndex)
 present window
void CoreGraphics::WindowPollEvents ()
 poll events for window
void CoreGraphics::WindowNewFrame (const WindowId id)
 Do new frame stuff for window.
const CoreGraphics::DisplayMode CoreGraphics::WindowGetDisplayMode (const WindowId id)
 get display mode from window
const CoreGraphics::AntiAliasQuality::Code CoreGraphics::WindowGetAAQuality (const WindowId id)
 get display antialias quality
const bool CoreGraphics::WindowIsFullscreen (const WindowId id)
 get if fullscreen
const bool CoreGraphics::WindowIsDecorated (const WindowId id)
 get if window is modal
const bool CoreGraphics::WindowIsResizable (const WindowId id)
 get if we are allowed to switch the display mode
const Util::StringAtomCoreGraphics::WindowGetTitle (const WindowId id)
 get window title
const Util::StringAtomCoreGraphics::WindowGetIcon (const WindowId id)
 get window icon
const CoreGraphics::SwapchainId CoreGraphics::WindowGetSwapchain (const WindowId id)
 Get swapchain associated with this window.


WindowId CoreGraphics::CurrentWindow
GLFWWindowAllocatorType CoreGraphics::glfwWindowAllocator (0x00FFFFFF)