No Matches
Characters Namespace Reference

Detailed Description

A character encapsulates a skeleton resource, an animation resource, and the ability to instantiate such and drive animations.

Base class for all model nodes, which is the resource level instantiation of hierarchical model.

A skeleton resource is a container for skeletons loaded from an NSK file.

Stream loader for skeletons.

Contains relevant information about a skeleton joint.

Each node represents some level in the hierarchy, and the different type of node contain their specific data.

The nodes have names for lookup, the name is setup during load.

A node is a part of an N-tree, meaning there are N children [0-infinity] for each node. The model itself keeps track of the root node, and a dictionary of all nodes and their corresponding names.


class  CharacterContext
 Assumes control over the character animation functionalities of a model if it contains a character definition and an animation set. More...
struct  CharacterJobContext
struct  CharacterJoint
struct  Nsk3Header
 NSK3 file format structs. More...
struct  Nsk3Joint
struct  Nsk3Skeleton
struct  SkeletonCreateInfo
struct  SkeletonId
struct  SkeletonJobJoint
class  SkeletonLoader
struct  SkeletonResourceId


typedef Ids::IdAllocator< Util::FixedArray< CharacterJoint >, Util::FixedArray< Math::mat4 >, Util::HashTable< Util::StringAtom, IndexT >, Util::FixedArray< Math::vec4 > > SkeletonAllocator
typedef Ids::IdAllocator< Util::FixedArray< SkeletonId > > SkeletonResourceAllocator


enum  EnqueueMode { Append , Replace , IgnoreIfSame }
enum  { Skeleton_Joints , Skeleton_BindPose , Skeleton_JointNameMap , Skeleton_IdleSamples }


 __ImplementContext (CharacterContext, CharacterContext::characterContextAllocator)
const bool IsExpired (const CharacterContext::AnimationRuntime &runtime, const Timing::Time time)
const bool IsInfinite (const CharacterContext::AnimationRuntime &runtime)
Timing::Tick GetAbsoluteStopTime (const CharacterContext::AnimationRuntime &runtime)
void EvalCharacter (SizeT totalJobs, SizeT groupSize, IndexT groupIndex, SizeT invocationOffset, void *ctx)
 __ImplementEnumBitOperators (CharacterContext::LoadState)
const SkeletonId CreateSkeleton (const SkeletonCreateInfo &info)
 create model (resource)
void DestroySkeleton (const SkeletonId id)
 discard model (resource)
const SizeT SkeletonGetNumJoints (const SkeletonId id)
 get number of joints from skeleton
const Util::FixedArray< CharacterJoint > & SkeletonGetJoints (const SkeletonId id)
 get joints from skeleton
const Util::FixedArray< Math::mat4 > & SkeletonGetBindPose (const SkeletonId id)
 get bind pose
const IndexT SkeletonGetJointIndex (const SkeletonId id, const Util::StringAtom &name)
 get joint index
const Util::FixedArray< Math::vec4 > & SkeletonGetIdleSamples (const SkeletonId id)
 Get idle samples.
void SkeletonEvalJob (const Jobs::JobFuncContext &ctx)
void SkeletonEvalJobWithVariation (const Jobs::JobFuncContext &ctx)
 __ImplementClass (Characters::SkeletonLoader, 'SSKP', Resources::ResourceLoader) Resources
const SkeletonId SkeletonResourceGetSkeleton (const SkeletonResourceId id, IndexT index)
 Fetch skeleton from loaded resource.
void DestroySkeletonResource (const SkeletonResourceId id)
 Discard skeleton resource and the skeletons it holds.


SkeletonAllocator skeletonAllocator
SkeletonResourceAllocator skeletonResourceAllocator

Typedef Documentation

◆ SkeletonAllocator

◆ SkeletonResourceAllocator

Enumeration Type Documentation

◆ anonymous enum

anonymous enum

◆ EnqueueMode


Function Documentation

◆ __ImplementClass()

Characters::__ImplementClass ( Characters::SkeletonLoader ,
'SSKP' ,
Resources::ResourceLoader  )

◆ __ImplementContext()

Characters::__ImplementContext ( CharacterContext ,
CharacterContext::characterContextAllocator  )

◆ __ImplementEnumBitOperators()

Characters::__ImplementEnumBitOperators ( CharacterContext::LoadState )

◆ CreateSkeleton()

const SkeletonId Characters::CreateSkeleton ( const SkeletonCreateInfo & info)

create model (resource)

◆ DestroySkeleton()

void Characters::DestroySkeleton ( const SkeletonId id)

discard model (resource)

◆ DestroySkeletonResource()

void Characters::DestroySkeletonResource ( const SkeletonResourceId id)

Discard skeleton resource and the skeletons it holds.

Destroy all skeletons in resource.

◆ EvalCharacter()

void Characters::EvalCharacter ( SizeT totalJobs,
SizeT groupSize,
IndexT groupIndex,
SizeT invocationOffset,
void * ctx )

◆ GetAbsoluteStopTime()

Timing::Tick Characters::GetAbsoluteStopTime ( const CharacterContext::AnimationRuntime & runtime)

◆ IsExpired()

const bool Characters::IsExpired ( const CharacterContext::AnimationRuntime & runtime,
const Timing::Time time )

◆ IsInfinite()

const bool Characters::IsInfinite ( const CharacterContext::AnimationRuntime & runtime)

◆ SkeletonEvalJob()

void Characters::SkeletonEvalJob ( const Jobs::JobFuncContext & ctx)

◆ SkeletonEvalJobWithVariation()

void Characters::SkeletonEvalJobWithVariation ( const Jobs::JobFuncContext & ctx)

◆ SkeletonGetBindPose()

const Util::FixedArray< Math::mat4 > & Characters::SkeletonGetBindPose ( const SkeletonId id)

get bind pose

◆ SkeletonGetIdleSamples()

const Util::FixedArray< Math::vec4 > & Characters::SkeletonGetIdleSamples ( const SkeletonId id)

Get idle samples.

◆ SkeletonGetJointIndex()

const IndexT Characters::SkeletonGetJointIndex ( const SkeletonId id,
const Util::StringAtom & name )

get joint index

◆ SkeletonGetJoints()

const Util::FixedArray< CharacterJoint > & Characters::SkeletonGetJoints ( const SkeletonId id)

get joints from skeleton

◆ SkeletonGetNumJoints()

const SizeT Characters::SkeletonGetNumJoints ( const SkeletonId id)

get number of joints from skeleton

◆ SkeletonResourceGetSkeleton()

const SkeletonId Characters::SkeletonResourceGetSkeleton ( const SkeletonResourceId id,
IndexT index )

Fetch skeleton from loaded resource.

Get skeleton from resource.

Variable Documentation

◆ skeletonAllocator

SkeletonAllocator Characters::skeletonAllocator

◆ skeletonResourceAllocator

SkeletonResourceAllocator Characters::skeletonResourceAllocator