No Matches
PhysicsFeature::PhysicsFeatureUnit Class Reference

#include <physicsfeatureunit.h>

Detailed Description

Sets up and interfaces with the physics subsystem.

Inherits Game::FeatureUnit.

Private Member Functions

__DeclareClass(PhysicsFeatureUnit) __DeclareSingleton(PhysicsFeatureUnit) public ~PhysicsFeatureUnit ()
void OnAttach () override
 called from GameServer::AttachGameFeature()
void OnActivate ()
 Called upon activation of feature unit.
void OnDeactivate ()
 Called upon deactivation of feature unit.
void OnBeforeCleanup (Game::World *world)
 called from within GameServer::NotifyBeforeCleanup()
virtual void OnBeginFrame ()
 called on begin of frame
virtual void OnDecay ()
 called at the end of the feature trigger cycle
virtual void OnRenderDebug ()
 called when game debug visualization is on

Private Attributes

Util::Dictionary< Game::World *, IndexTphysicsWorlds
bool simulating

Additional Inherited Members

- Public Member Functions inherited from Game::FeatureUnit
 FeatureUnit ()
virtual ~FeatureUnit ()
virtual void OnRemove ()
 called from GameServer::RemoveGameFeature()
bool IsActive () const
 return true if featureunit is currently active
virtual void OnLoad (World *world)
 called from within GameServer::Load()
virtual void OnStart (World *world)
 called from within GameServer::OnStart() after OnLoad
virtual void OnSave (World *world)
 called from within GameServer::Save()
virtual void OnBeforeLoad (World *world)
 called from within GameServer::NotifyBeforeLoad()
virtual void OnStop (World *world)
 called from withing GameServer::Stop()
virtual void OnBeforeViews ()
 Called between beginning of frame and before the views are iterated.
virtual void OnFrame ()
 called in the middle of the feature trigger cycle
virtual void OnEndFrame ()
 called at the end of the feature trigger cycle
virtual ManagerHandle AttachManager (ManagerAPI api)
 attach a manager to the feature unit
virtual void RemoveManager (ManagerHandle handle)
 remove a manager from the feature unit
void SetCmdLineArgs (const Util::CommandLineArgs &a)
 set command line args
const Util::CommandLineArgsGetCmdLineArgs () const
 get command line args
- Public Member Functions inherited from Core::RefCounted
 RefCounted ()
int GetRefCount () const
 get the current refcount
void AddRef ()
 increment refcount by one
void Release ()
 decrement refcount and destroy object if refcount is zero
bool IsInstanceOf (const Rtti &rtti) const
 return true if this object is instance of given class
bool IsInstanceOf (const Util::String &className) const
 return true if this object is instance of given class by string
bool IsInstanceOf (const Util::FourCC &classFourCC) const
 return true if this object is instance of given class by fourcc
bool IsA (const Rtti &rtti) const
 return true if this object is instance of given class, or a derived class
bool IsA (const Util::String &rttiName) const
 return true if this object is instance of given class, or a derived class, by string
bool IsA (const Util::FourCC &rttiFourCC) const
 return true if this object is instance of given class, or a derived class, by fourcc
const Util::StringGetClassName () const
 get the class name
Util::FourCC GetClassFourCC () const
 get the class FourCC code
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from Core::RefCounted
static void DumpRefCountingLeaks ()
 dump refcounting leaks, call at end of application (NEBULA_DEBUG builds only!)
- Protected Member Functions inherited from Core::RefCounted
virtual ~RefCounted ()
 destructor (called when refcount reaches zero)
- Protected Attributes inherited from Game::FeatureUnit
Util::ArrayAllocator< ManagerHandle, ManagerAPImanagers
Ids::IdGenerationPool managerPool
bool active
Util::CommandLineArgs args
 cmdline args for configuration from cmdline

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ ~PhysicsFeatureUnit()

PhysicsFeature::PhysicsFeatureUnit::~PhysicsFeatureUnit ( )


Member Function Documentation

◆ OnActivate()

void PhysicsFeature::PhysicsFeatureUnit::OnActivate ( )

Called upon activation of feature unit.

Reimplemented from Game::FeatureUnit.

◆ OnAttach()

void PhysicsFeature::PhysicsFeatureUnit::OnAttach ( )

called from GameServer::AttachGameFeature()

Reimplemented from Game::FeatureUnit.

◆ OnBeforeCleanup()

void PhysicsFeature::PhysicsFeatureUnit::OnBeforeCleanup ( Game::World * world)

called from within GameServer::NotifyBeforeCleanup()

Reimplemented from Game::FeatureUnit.

◆ OnBeginFrame()

void PhysicsFeature::PhysicsFeatureUnit::OnBeginFrame ( )

called on begin of frame

Reimplemented from Game::FeatureUnit.

◆ OnDeactivate()

void PhysicsFeature::PhysicsFeatureUnit::OnDeactivate ( )

Called upon deactivation of feature unit.

Reimplemented from Game::FeatureUnit.

◆ OnDecay()

void PhysicsFeature::PhysicsFeatureUnit::OnDecay ( )

called at the end of the feature trigger cycle

Reimplemented from Game::FeatureUnit.

◆ OnRenderDebug()

void PhysicsFeature::PhysicsFeatureUnit::OnRenderDebug ( )

called when game debug visualization is on

Reimplemented from Game::FeatureUnit.

Member Data Documentation

◆ physicsWorlds

Util::Dictionary<Game::World*, IndexT> PhysicsFeature::PhysicsFeatureUnit::physicsWorlds

◆ simulating

bool PhysicsFeature::PhysicsFeatureUnit::simulating

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