108 template <
typename TYPE>
114 template <
typename TYPE>
120 template <
typename TYPE>
126 template <
typename TYPE>
129 template <
typename TYPE>
324template <
typename TYPE>
331 "Settings components in arbitrary entities while executing an async processor is currently not supported!"
338 "SetComponent: Provided value's type is not the correct size for the given ComponentId."
349template <
typename TYPE>
356 "Getting components from entities while executing an async processor is currently not supported!"
363 "GetComponent: Provided value's type is not the correct size for the given ComponentId."
374template <
typename TYPE>
381 "Removing components from entities while executing an async processor is currently not supported!"
394template <
typename TYPE>
404template <
typename TYPE>
416 !this->
"Adding component to entities while in an async processor is currently not supported!"
431 .dataSize =
440 if (cInterface->
Init !=
443 cInterface->
this, entity, data);
These are registered to the attribute registry so that we can add more functionality to attributes.
Definition component.h:75
ComponentInitFunc Init
Definition component.h:91
Generation pool.
Definition entitypool.h:22
Definition frameevent.h:108
Represents a level that can be instantiated into a world.
Definition level.h:38
A container of entities, their components, and processors.
Definition world.h:81
PackedLevel * PreloadLevel(Util::String const &path)
preload a level that can be instantiated
Definition world.cc:88
void MoveInstance(MemDb::Table::Partition *partition, MemDb::RowId from, MemDb::RowId to)
Move a instance/row within a partition.
Definition world.cc:1359
Dataset Query(Filter filter)
Query the entity database using specified filter set. This does NOT wait for resources to be availabl...
Definition world.cc:1761
void AddStagedComponentsToEntity(Entity entity, AddStagedComponentCommand *cmds, SizeT numCmds)
Adds all components in cmds to entity.
Definition world.cc:881
Entity AllocateEntityId()
Allocate an entity id. Use this with caution!
Definition world.cc:398
bool componentInitializationEnabled
Disable if initialization of components is not required (ex. when running as editor db)
Definition world.h:193
EntityPool pool
used to allocate entity ids for this world
Definition world.h:270
Util::Array< RemoveComponentCommand > removeComponentQueue
Stores all deferred remove component commands.
Definition world.h:290
MemDb::RowId AllocateInstance(Entity entity, MemDb::TableId table, Util::Blob const *const data=nullptr)
Allocate an entity instance in a table. Use this with caution!
Definition world.cc:1103
ComponentDecayBuffer const GetDecayBuffer(ComponentId component)
Get a decay buffer for the given component.
Definition world.cc:739
Ptr< MemDb::Database > db
contains all entity instances
Definition world.h:276
Util::HashTable< BlueprintId, MemDb::TableId > blueprintToTableMap
maps from blueprint to a table that has the same signature
Definition world.h:282
void InitializeAllComponents(Entity entity, MemDb::TableId tableId, MemDb::RowId row)
Run OnInit on all components. Use with caution, since they can only be initialized once and the funct...
Definition world.cc:1145
WorldId GetWorldId() const
Returns the world ID for this world. This corresponds to Game::Entity::world.
Definition world.h:316
bool IsValid(Entity entity) const
Check if an entity ID is still valid.
Definition world.cc:764
EntityMapping GetEntityMapping(Entity entity) const
Returns the entity mapping of an entity.
Definition world.cc:783
TYPE GetComponent(Entity entity)
Get an entitys component.
Definition world.h:351
void PrefilterProcessors()
Definition world.cc:490
friend class BlueprintManager
Definition world.h:199
void ClearDecayBuffers()
Clears all decay buffers. This is called by the game server automatically.
Definition world.cc:751
bool HasComponent(Entity entity) const
Check if entity has a specific component.
Definition world.h:396
void ExecuteAddComponentCommands()
dispatches all staged components to be added to entities
Definition world.cc:814
Entity CreateEntity(bool immediate=true)
Create a new empty entity.
Definition world.cc:565
void RenderDebug()
Definition world.cc:1470
bool cacheValid
Set to true if the caches for the frame pipeline are valid.
Definition world.h:294
Util::Queue< AllocateInstanceCommand > allocQueue
Stores all deferred allocation commands.
Definition world.h:284
void SetComponentValue(Entity entity, ComponentId component, void *value, uint64_t size)
Set the value of a component by providing a pointer and type size.
Definition world.cc:1414
void Reset()
Definition world.cc:546
void SimFrame()
Definition world.cc:446
void DeleteEntity(Entity entity)
Delete entity.
Definition world.cc:620
void ReinitializeComponent(Entity entity, ComponentId component, void *value, uint64_t size)
Set the value of a component by providing a pointer and type size, then reinitialize the component.
Definition world.cc:1432
void UnloadLevel(PackedLevel *level)
unload a preloaded level
Definition world.cc:213
Definition world.cc:79
bool HasInstance(Entity entity) const
Check if an entity has an instance. It might be valid, but not have received an instance just after i...
Definition world.cc:773
FramePipeline pipeline
The frame pipeline for this world.
Definition world.h:296
World(WorldHash hash, WorldId id)
Definition world.cc:52
void FinalizeAllocate(Entity entity)
Definition world.cc:1251
SizeT GetNumInstances(MemDb::TableId tid)
Get total number of instances in an entity table.
Definition world.cc:805
friend class PackedLevel
Definition world.h:200
void * GetColumnData(MemDb::TableId const tableId, uint16_t partitionId, MemDb::ColumnIndex const column)
Get a pointer to the first instance of a column in a partition of an entity table....
Definition world.cc:1026
Util::FixedArray< ComponentDecayBuffer > componentDecayTable
Contains all the component decay buffers. Lookup directly via ComponentId.
Definition world.h:300
MemDb::TableId CreateEntityTable(EntityTableCreateInfo const &info)
Create a table in the entity database that has a specific set of components.
Definition world.cc:1045
void DecayComponent(ComponentId component, MemDb::TableId tableId, MemDb::ColumnIndex column, MemDb::RowId instance)
Copies the component to the decay table.
Definition world.cc:642
void ExportLevel(Util::String const &path)
Export the world as a level.
Definition world.cc:222
void RemoveComponentsFromEntity(Entity entity, RemoveComponentCommand *cmds, SizeT numCmds)
Removes all components in cmds from entity.
Definition world.cc:950
void RemoveComponent(Entity entity)
Remove a component from an entity.
Definition world.h:376
void ExecuteRemoveComponentCommands()
Definition world.cc:848
friend class GameServer
Definition world.h:198
void DeallocateEntityId(Entity entity)
Deallocate an entity id. Use this with caution!
Definition world.cc:414
Util::Array< EntityMapping > entityMap
maps entity index to table+row pair
Definition world.h:274
FramePipeline & GetFramePipeline()
Get the frame pipeline.
Definition world.cc:1736
void BeginFrame()
Definition world.cc:436
MemDb::RowId GetInstance(Entity entity) const
Get instance of entity.
Definition world.cc:1036
WorldId worldId
world id
Definition world.h:280
void Start()
Definition world.cc:425
void EndFrame()
Definition world.cc:456
Ptr< MemDb::Database > GetDatabase()
Get the entity database. Be careful when directly modifying the database, as some information is only...
Definition world.cc:556
WorldHash GetWorldHash() const
Returns the world hash for this world.
Definition world.h:307
void Defragment(MemDb::TableId tableId)
Defragment an entity table.
Definition world.cc:1389
void DeallocateInstance(MemDb::TableId table, MemDb::RowId instance)
Deallocate an entity instance. Use this with caution!
Definition world.cc:1261
MemDb::RowId Migrate(Entity entity, MemDb::TableId newTable)
Migrate an entity from it's current table to a different table.
Definition world.cc:1299
static void Override(World *src, World *dst)
copies and overrides dst with src. This is extremely destructive - make sure you understand the impli...
Definition world.cc:1697
void ManageEntities()
Definition world.cc:500
TYPE * AddComponent(Entity entity)
Create a component. This queues the component in a command buffer to be added later.
Definition world.h:406
Util::Queue< DeallocInstanceCommand > deallocQueue
Stores all deferred deallocation commands.
Definition world.h:286
void * GetInstanceBuffer(MemDb::TableId const tableId, uint16_t partitionId, ComponentId const component)
Get a pointer to the first instance of a component in a partition of an entity table....
Definition world.cc:1008
void OnSave()
Definition world.cc:481
Util::Array< AddStagedComponentCommand > addStagedQueue
Stores all deferred add staged component commands.
Definition world.h:288
Memory::ArenaAllocator< 4096_KB > componentStageAllocator
Allocator for staged components.
Definition world.h:292
void OnLoad()
Definition world.cc:472
SizeT numEntities
Number of entities alive.
Definition world.h:272
MemDb::TableId defaultTableId
The default table that empty entities are instantiated into.
Definition world.h:298
void MarkAsModified(Game::Entity entity)
Mark an entity as modified in its table.
Definition world.cc:1745
void SetComponent(Entity entity, TYPE const &value)
Set the value of an entitys component.
Definition world.h:326
WorldHash hash
world hash
Definition world.h:278
Definition attribute.h:29
static void const *const DefaultValue(AttributeId descriptor)
get attribute default value pointer
Definition attributeregistry.h:268
static SizeT TypeSize(AttributeId descriptor)
get type size by attribute id
Definition attributeregistry.h:246
static Attribute * GetAttribute(AttributeId descriptor)
get attribute description by id
Definition attributeregistry.h:228
Represents a partition within a Table in MemDb.
Definition table.h:205
Allocates memory in chunks.
Definition arenaallocator.h:36
Nebula's smart pointer class which manages the life time of RefCounted objects.
Definition ptr.h:38
Nebula's dynamic array class.
Definition array.h:60
The Util::Blob class encapsulates a chunk of raw memory into a C++ object which can be copied,...
Definition blob.h:22
Implements a fixed size one-dimensional array.
Definition fixedarray.h:20
Organizes key/value pairs by a hash code.
Definition hashtable.h:42
Nebula's queue class (a FIFO container).
Definition queue.h:28
#define n_assert2(exp, msg)
Definition debug.h:51
#define n_assert(exp)
Definition debug.h:50
Definition graphicsmanager.h:64
MemDb::AttributeId ComponentId
Definition componentid.h:15
uint32_t Filter
Opaque filter identifier.
Definition filter.h:26
ComponentId GetComponentId()
Returns a component id, based on template type.
Definition component.h:120
uint32_t WorldId
Definition entity.h:28
World * GetWorld(WorldHash hash)
returns a world by hash
Definition world.cc:35
ComponentId GetComponentId(Util::StringAtom name)
Returns a component id.
Definition component.h:139
Definition attribute.h:26
void Copy(const void *from, void *to, size_t numBytes)
Copy a chunk of memory (note the argument order is different from memcpy()!
Definition osxmemory.cc:213
A pinned array is an array which manages its own virtual memory.
Definition String.cs:6
Contains data for components flagged with COMPONENTFLAG_DECAY, that has been deleted this frame.
Definition component.h:47
A dataset that contains views into category tables.
Definition dataset.h:23
TemplateId templateId
template to instantiate.
Definition world.h:43
bool immediate
set if the entity should be instantiated immediately or deferred until end of frame.
Definition world.h:45
An entity is essentially just an Id with some utility functions attached.
Definition entity.h:35
static constexpr Entity Invalid()
Definition entity.h:138
Maps an entity to a table and instance id.
Definition entity.h:87
MemDb::RowId instance
Definition entity.h:89
MemDb::TableId table
Definition entity.h:88
A component that stores the orientation of an entity.
Definition orientation.h:18
A component that stores the position of an entity in world space coordinates.
Definition position.h:19
A component that stores the scale of an entity.
Definition scale.h:18
ComponentId componentId
Definition world.h:216
SizeT dataSize
Definition world.h:217
void * data
Definition world.h:218
Game::Entity entity
Definition world.h:215
Game::Entity entity
Definition world.h:204
TemplateId tid
Definition world.h:205
Game::Entity entity
Definition world.h:210
ComponentId componentId
Definition world.h:224
Entity entity
Definition world.h:223
column id
Definition tableid.h:38
row identifier
Definition tableid.h:18
uint16_t partition
Definition tableid.h:19
uint16_t index
Definition tableid.h:20
Table identifier.
Definition tableid.h:14
Nebula's universal string class.
Definition String.cs:8
int SizeT
Definition types.h:49