NAnimation | |
NAnyFX | Implements a shader effect (using AnyFX) in Vulkan |
NApp | |
NAttr | |
NAudio | |
NAudioFeature | |
NBase | |
NBaseGameFeature | |
NCharacters | A character encapsulates a skeleton resource, an animation resource, and the ability to instantiate such and drive animations |
NClustering | Context handling GPU cluster culling |
NCommands | |
NConsoleHook | |
NCore | |
NCoreAnimation | An animation resource holds a set of animations from a loaded NAX file |
▼NCoreGraphics | Acceleration structures are used to enable ray tracing on the GPU by dividing the scene into a BVH |
NGpuBufferTypes | |
NNvx3 | |
NDarwin | |
NDb | |
NDebug | |
NDecals | The Decal context manages the decal system and entities and rendering |
NDynui | Imgui Profiler UI |
NFibers | Fiber implementation header |
NFlat | Flatbuffer to Nebula type conversion functions |
Nflatbuffers | |
NFog | |
NFrame | ImGUI debug interface for inspecting frame scripts |
NFrameSync | |
▼NGame | Game::EditorState |
NTime | |
NGcc | |
NGI | The DDGI context is responsible for managing the GI volumes used to apply indirect light in the scene |
NGraphics | Implements the shader server used by Vulkan |
NGraphicsFeature | |
NHttp | This file was generated with Nebula Trifid's idlc compiler tool |
NIds | This simple Id pool implements a set of free and used consecutive integers |
▼NIm3d | |
Ninternal | |
NInput | FIXME! |
NInstancing | |
NInterface | |
▼NIO | Instances of wrapped stream classes |
NFileDialog | |
NJobs | Job system allows for scheduling and execution of a parallel task |
NJobs2 | |
NLighting | The lighting subsystem allows for attaching light source functionality to a GraphicsEntityId |
NLinux | |
NLtcLUTs | LTC constants for the LUTs |
NMaterials | Material special version of variant |
NMaterialTemplates | Materials represent a set of settings and a correlated shader configuration, which tells the engine which shader to use and how to apply the constants and textures on each respective shader |
NMath | Different curves |
NMathf | |
NMemDb | Attribute |
NMemory | |
NMessaging | |
NModels | A model resource consists of nodes, each of which inhibit some information read from an .n3 file |
NMsg | |
▼Nnanobind | |
Ndetail | |
▼NNebula | |
NGame | |
NNebulaEngine | |
NNet | |
NOptions | Globally accessible options |
NOSX | |
NParticles | Particle context controls playing and enabling/disabling of particle emitters inside a model |
NPhysics | Diverse functions for manipulating physics actors |
NPhysicsFeature | |
NPicking | |
Npjson | |
NPosix | Posix implemention of a read-many write-few lock |
NPostEffects | Bloom post effect |
NProfiling | |
NPython | Python conversion functions |
NRaytracing | Context dealing with scene management for ray tracing |
NRenderModules | |
NRenderUtil | Helpers to create geometry |
NResources | A resource is a container for some type of file which is loaded |
▼NScripting | Prototype for deargui scripting init |
NApi | |
NShared | |
NSoLoud | |
NStaticUI | Static UI Context |
Nstd | |
NSystem | |
Ntb | |
NTBUI | Turbobadger UI Batch |
NTerrain | The occupancy quad tree implements a tree which allows for a quick search |
▼NThreading | The Jobs2 system provides a set of threads and a pool of jobs from which threads can pickup work |
NInterlocked | |
NTime | These are the standard time source objects provided by Application layer: |
NTiming | |
▼Ntyti | |
►Npylog | |
NUtil | A pinned array is an array which manages its own virtual memory |
NVegetation | The vegetation context handles rendering of grass, trees and other types of vegetation |
NVisibility | Implements a resource loader for models |
NVulkan | Vulkan implementation of GPU acceleration structure |
NWin32 | [TODO: Describe Win32 subsystem] |