No Matches
Class Hierarchy
This inheritance list is sorted roughly, but not completely, alphabetically:
[detail level 12345]
 CResources::ResourceLoader::_CallbacksCallback functions to run when an associated resource is loaded (can be stacked)
 CResources::ResourceLoader::_PendingResourceLoadStruct for pending resources which are about to be loaded
 CResources::ResourceLoader::_PendingStreamLodStruct for pending stream
 CUtil::_smallvector< TYPE, STACK_SIZE >
 CUtil::_smallvector< TYPE, 0 >
 CCoreGraphics::AdapterDisplay adapter enum
 CCoreGraphics::AdapterInfoContains information about a given display adapter
 CUtil::AllocatorLock< T >
 CMath::AngularPFeedbackLoopA proportional feedback loop with correct angular interpolation
 CCoreAnimation::AnimClipAn animation clip is a collection of related animation curves (for instance all curves required to animate a character)
 CCoreAnimation::AnimCurveAn animation curve describes a set of animation keys in an AnimKeyBuffer
 CCoreAnimation::AnimEventAn animation event associates a name with a point in time
 CCoreAnimation::AnimEventEmitterThe AnimEventEmitter collects all animevents which are active in the given time range
 CAnimation::AnimEventInfoThe AnimEventInfo has extra information of the animevent, like the animjob from which it is initiated
 CAnimation::AnimJobEnqueueModeDescribes the behaviour when enqueueing a new animation job into an anim sequencer
 CAnimResourceA AnimResource is a collection of related animation clips (for instance all animation clips of a character)
 CCoreAnimation::AnimSampleBufferStores the result of an animation sampling operation, stores samples key values and sample-counts which keep track of the number of samples which contributed to a mixing result (this is necessary for correct mixing of partial animations)
 CCoreAnimation::AnimSampleMixInfoA data structure for providing sample/mixing attributes to asynchronous jobs in the CoreAnimation subsystem
 CAnimation::AnimSequencerAn AnimSequencer object arranges AnimJobs along the time line to produce a single, priority-blended result
 CCoreAnimation::AnimUtilA class which contains utility methods for animation sampling and mixing
 CCoreGraphics::AntiAliasQualityAnti-alias quality levels
 CAppLauncherLaunch an external application
 CApp::ApplicationProvides a simple application model for Nebula apps
 CArchiveWrapper class for a platform-specific file archive
 CArchiveFileSystemTop-level platform wrapper class of archive file systems
 CArchiveFileSystemBaseBase class for archive file system wrappers
 CMemory::ArenaAllocator< ChunkSize >Allocates memory in chunks
 CUtil::Array< TYPE, SMALL_VECTOR_SIZE >Nebula's dynamic array class
 CUtil::Array< const MaterialTemplates::Entry * >
 CUtil::Array< CoreGraphics::MeshId >
 CUtil::Array< CoreGraphics::PrimitiveGroup >
 CUtil::Array< float >
 CUtil::Array< Materials::MaterialId >
 CUtil::Array< Math::bbox >
 CUtil::Array< Math::mat4 >
 CUtil::Array< Models::ModelContext::NodeInstanceState >
 CUtil::Array< Models::ModelNode * >
 CUtil::Array< Models::NodeType >
 CUtil::Array< NodeInstanceFlags >
 CUtil::Array< Threading::ThreadId >
 CUtil::Array< uint32 >
 CUtil::Array< uint64 >
 CUtil::Array< Util::Tuple< float, float > >
 CUtil::Array< Util::Tuple< uint32, uint32 > >
 CUtil::Array< void * >
 CUtil::ArrayAllocator< TYPES >The ArrayAllocator provides a variadic list of types which is to be contained in the allocator and fetching each value by providing the index into the list of types, which means the members are nameless
 CUtil::ArrayAllocator< TYPES... >
 CUtil::ArrayAllocatorSafe< MAX_ALLOCS, TYPES >The ArrayAllocatorSafe provides a thread safe variadic list of types which is to be contained in the allocator and fetching each value by providing the index into the list of types, which means the members are nameless
 CUtil::ArrayAllocatorSafe< MAX_ALLOCS, TYPES... >
 CUtil::ArrayQueue< TYPE >
 CUtil::ArrayStack< TYPE, STACK_SIZE >Nebula's small vector optimized array
 CAttr::AttributeContainerA simple container for attributes
 CAttr::AttributeDefinitionBaseImplements a universal attribute definition, consisting of an attribute name, attribute fourcc code, value type and access type
 CAttr::AttrIdAn attribute ID is used to carry attribute types (no values) around
 CBarrierImplements the 2 macros ReadWriteBarrier and MemoryBarrier
 CGame::FrameEvent::BatchA batch of frame callbacks
 CMath::bboxNebula's bounding box class
 CMath::BezierCubic< POINT >
 CBindlessRegistryHandles binding of bindless resources
 CUtil::BitField< NUMBITS >Implements large bit field
 CUtil::BitField< NUMBITS >::BitType< S >
 CUtil::BitField< NUMBITS >::BitType< 16 >
 CUtil::BitField< NUMBITS >::BitType< 32 >
 CUtil::BitField< NUMBITS >::BitType< 64 >
 CUtil::BlobThe Util::Blob class encapsulates a chunk of raw memory into a C++ object which can be copied, compared and hashed
 CGame::BlueprintManager::BlueprintEntity blueprint
 CCoreGraphics::BufferSetSet of buffers which creates a buffer per each buffered frame
 CBufferSetupTypes used for buffers, how they are created and their intended usage
 CBvhA generic bounding volume (AABB) hierarchy
 CIO::BXmlLoaderUtilHelper class for loading binary xml files created with N3's binaryxmlconverter3 tool
 CByteOrder(C) 2007 Radon Labs GmbH (C) 2013-2018 Individual contributors, see AUTHORS file
 CSystem::ByteOrderProvides information and methods to help with byte ordering issues
 CCalendarTimeAllows to obtain the current point in time as year, month, day, etc... down to milliseconds, convert between filetime and CalendarTime, and format the time to a human readable string
 CBase::CalendarTimeBaseAllows to obtain the current point in time as year, month, day, etc... down to milliseconds, convert between filetime and CalendarTime, and format the time to a human readable string
 CJobs2::CallableStub< ARGS >
 CJobs2::CallableStub< ARGS... >
 CCameraSettingsHelper class for handling camera projection and related settings
 CCharacterMaterialSkinNodeA model node that handles materials for characters
 CCharacterNodeWraps a Character object into a ModelNode for rendering
 CMath::ClipStatusThe result of a clip check (Inside, Outside or Clipped)
 CDb::ColumnDescribes a column in a database table
 CMemDb::ColumnIndexColumn id
 CUtil::CommandLineArgsA universal cmd line argument parser
 CGame::ComponentDecayBufferContains data for components flagged with COMPONENTFLAG_DECAY, that has been deleted this frame
 CGame::ComponentInspectionComponent inspection functions
 CGame::ComponentRegisterInfo< COMPONENT_TYPE >Used for registering component types to the game world
 CGame::ComponentSerializationComponent serialization functions
 CcoreBasic type definitions for Nebula
 CSystem::CpuProvides information about the system's CPU(s)
 CUtil::CrcCompute CRC checksums over a range of memory
 CCriticalSectionCritical section objects are used to protect a portion of code from parallel execution
 CLighting::CSMUtilHelper class for creating and rendering Cascading Shadow Maps
 CCoreAnimation::CurveTypeDescribes the general data type of the keys stored in an animation curve
 CCore::CVarA console variable
 CCore::CVarCreateInfoUsed to create a Core::CVar
 CDarwinBarrierImplements the 2 macros ReadWriteBarrier and MemoryBarrier
 CDarwin::DarwinTimerDarwin implementation of the Time::Timer class
 CGame::DatasetA dataset that contains views into category tables
 CDebug::DebugFloatThis class is supposed to make it easier, to restore the exact value of floating- point-based types, like vector, mat4, float etc
 CUtil::GlobalStringAtomTable::DebugInfoDebug functionality: DebugInfo struct
 CNet::DebugMessageEncapsulates a stream and a port number for debug communication
 CNet::DebugPacketEncapsulates a data packet for debug communication
 CUtil::Delegate< T >Nebula delegate class, allows to store a function, method or lambda call into a C++ object for later execution
 CUtil::Delegate< RETTYPE(ARGTYPES...)>
 CMessaging::DelegateTableAssociates message ids with handler delegates
 CUtil::Dictionary< KEYTYPE, VALUETYPE >A collection of key/value pairs with quick value retrieval by key at roughly O(log n)
 CDisplayDeviceA DisplayDevice object represents the display where the RenderDevice presents the rendered frame
 CCoreGraphics::DisplayEventDisplay events are sent by the display device to registered display event handlers
 CCoreGraphics::DisplayModeDescribe a fullscreen display mode or window dimensions
 CRenderUtil::DrawFullScreenQuadActually draws one big triangle which covers the entire screen, which is more efficient than drawing a quad using two triangles
 CUtil::PriorityArray< TYPE >::ElementElement class
 CParticles::EmitterAttrsA container for particle emitter attributes
 CParticles::EmitterMeshAn emitter mesh holds positions and normals for particle emission
 CGame::EntityAn entity is essentially just an Id with some utility functions attached
 CNebula.Game.EntityRepresents a game object that resides in a game world
 CGame::EntityMappingMaps an entity to a table and instance id
 CGame::EntityPoolGeneration pool
 CParticles::EnvelopeCurveAn Attack/Sustain/Release envelope curve class with optional sine/cosine modulation
 CParticles::EnvelopeSampleBufferA lookup table for pre-sampled envelope curves
 CEnvironmentProvides read-access to environment variables
 CCore::ExitHandlerExitHandlers are static objects which register themselves automatically once at startup and are called back from the Core::SysFunc::Exit() static method which is called right before a Nebula application exists
 CMath::Extrapolator< TYPE >Extrapolator maintains state about updates for remote entities, and will generate smooth guesses about where those entities will be based on previously received data
 CCore::FactoryProvides the central object factory mechanism for Nebula
 CFenceCreateInfoA fence is a CPU-GPU sync object, used to let the CPU wait for the GPU to finish some work
 CFileDialogWrapper around NFD for showing file dialogs
 CFileTimeDefines a file-access timestamp
 CFileWatcherLinux implementation of filewatcher
 CFileWatcherWin32 implementation of filewatcher
 CFiltersetUsed to query a database
 CUtil::FixedArray< TYPE, StackAlloc >Implements a fixed size one-dimensional array
 CUtil::FixedPool< TYPE >Implements a fixed size pool, from which objects of a specific type can be allocated and freed for reuse
 CUtil::FixedTable< TYPE >A fixed-size 2-dimensional array
 CUtil::FourCCA four-character-code is a quasi-human-readable 32-bit-id
 CModels::CharacterSkinNode::FragmentSkin fragment
 CFrame::FrameBatchTypeFrame batch type hints for the render device and render targets
 CRenderUtil::FreeCameraUtilImplements a free camera
 CMath::frustumDefines a clipping frustum made of 6 planes
 CFSWrapperThis is an internal IO class used to wrap platform specific filesystem access into a generic class
 CGameContentServerThe game content server initializes access to game content on console platforms
 CGamePadAn input handler which represents a game pad
 CGcc::GccInterlockedProvides simple atomic operations on shared variables using gcc compiler builtins
 CUtil::get_template_type< C >
 CUtil::get_template_type< C< I, T > & >Get inner type of two types
 CUtil::get_template_type< C< I, T > >Get inner type of two types
 CUtil::get_template_type< C< T > >Get inner type of two types
 CUtil::get_template_type< C< T, I > & >Get inner type of two types
 CUtil::get_template_type< C< T, I > >Get inner type of two types
 CUtil::get_template_type< const C< T > & >Get inner type of a constant ref outer type
 CGLFWDisplayDeviceGLFW based OpenGL implementation of DisplayDevice class
 CGLFWInputDisplayEventHandlerTranslates DisplayEvents that are relevant for the input system into InputEvents
 CGLFWInputServerGlfw-specific InputServer (provides a default Keyboard and Mouse)
 CGlobalConstantsManagement place for global constants, such as those in the tick/frame groups
 CDynui::GraphTime Graph with predefined amount of entries
 CGraphics::GraphicsContextStateA graphics context is a resource which holds a contextual representation for a graphics entity
 CGraphics::GraphicsEntityIdThe graphics entity is only an Id, to which we can attach GraphicsContexts
 CGuidImplements a GUID
 CUtil::HashTable< KEYTYPE, VALUETYPE, TABLE_SIZE, STACK_SIZE >Organizes key/value pairs by a hash code
 CHeapImplements a private heap
 CHttp::HtmlElementHTML markup elements
 CHttpClientUse a HTTP client to send HTTP requests to a HTTP server, and receive and decode HTTP responses
 CHttp::HttpMethodHttp methods enumeration (GET, PUT, etc...)
 CHttp::HttpStatusHTTP status code enumeration (e.g
 CIds::IdThis class implements some static helper functions to set high and low 32-bit integers, as well as a function to create a complete id from two of them
 CMessaging::IdA message identifier
 CIds::IdGenerationPoolProvides a system for creating array friendly id numbers with reuse and generations
 CIm3dContextNebula renderer for Im3d gizmos
 CCoreGraphics::ImageFileFormatImage file formats supported by StreamTextureSaver
 CImguiRendererNebula renderer for the IMGUI dynamic UI library
 CImguiRTPluginUse this class to integrate Imgui with the Nebula rendering loop
 CCoreGraphics::IndexTypeData type of vertex indices (16 bit or 32 bit)
 CCoreAnimation::InfinityTypeDescribes how time position outsides of an animation curve's scope are handled
 CInput::InputEventThe input events of the Input subsystems
 CInput::InputPriorityInput priorities for input handlers
 CInstanceRendererThe instance renderer performs actual rendering and updating of shader variables for transforms
 CInstanceRendererBaseBase class for instance renderers
 CInstanceServerThe instance server collects all instances of a model and render each node instanced, so as to decrease draw calls when rendering huge amounts of identical objects
 CInstanceServerBaseInstancing interface server base
 CInterfaceImplements the asynchronous interface to the IO subsystem
 CInterlockedProvide simple atomic operations on memory variables
 CMemory::RingAllocator< SYNCPOINTS >::Interval
 CIpAddressRepresents an IP address, consisting of a IPv4 host address and a port number
 CUtil::List< TYPE >::IteratorList iterator
 CJobs::JobFuncContextThis class describes the size of a workload for a single thread (can be multiple items)
 CInput::KeyDefine standard key codes
 CKeyboardAn input handler which represents a keyboard for polling
 CUtil::KeyValuePair< KEYTYPE, VALUETYPE >Key/Value pair objects are used by most assiociative container classes, like Dictionary or HashTable
 CUtil::KeyValuePair< AttrId, Util::Variant >
 CUtil::KeyValuePair< Util::String, Util::String >
 CBase::LibraryBase class for loading and handling dynamic libraries
 CLibraryUse to load dynamic libraries and their addresses
 CMath::lineA line in 3d space
 CLinux::LinuxCompletionCounterBlock a thread until count reaches 0
 CLinux::LinuxEventLinux implementation of Event
 CLinux::LinuxRendezvousA thread barrier for 2 threads using semaphores
 CLinuxThreadIdA thread id uniquely identifies a thread within the process
 CLinux::LinuxThreadLocalDataThread local data storage class for platforms which don't have a proper __thread implementation but a pthread implementation
 CLinux::LinuxThreadLocalPtrA thread-local pointer class for platforms which don't have proper support for the __thread keyword
 CUtil::List< TYPE >Implements a doubly linked list
 CUtil::List< RefCounted * >
 CThreading::LockFreeQueue< TYPE >
 CMath::mat4A 4x4 single point precision float matrix
 CMaterials::MaterialBuffer< INTERFACE_TYPE >
 CMathf.MathHelperContains commonly used precalculated values and mathematical operations
 CRenderUtil::MayaCameraUtilHelper class to implement a "Maya camera" with pan/zoom/orbit
 CIO::MediaTypeEncapsulates a MIME conformant media type description (text/plain, image/jpg, etc...)
 CMemoryPoolA simple thread-safe memory pool
 CCoreGraphics::MeshCreateInfoMesh collects vertex and index buffers with primitive groups which can be used to render with
 CGame::Message< MSG, TYPES >
 CMessaging::MessageCallbackHandlerHandles asynchronous message callbacks
 CGame::Message< MSG, TYPES >::MessageQueueId
 CMiniDumpSupport for generating mini dumps
 CInput::MouseButtonMouse button codes and conversion from/to string
 CRenderUtil::MouseRayUtilHelper class to compute a world-space ray from mouse coords
 CNebula.Game.NativeComponentAll structs that inherit from this class will automatically be registered and searchable as native components
 CCoreAnimation::Nax2HeaderLegacy NAX2 file format structs
 CCoreAnimation::Nax3HeaderNAX3 file format structs
 CNebulaSettingsPlatform independent way for storing persistent settings Will use registry in windows and config files on other platforms
 CThreading::LockFreeQueue< TYPE >::Node
 CUtil::List< TYPE >::NodeNode in the list
 CUtil::QuadTree< TYPE >::NodeNode in quad tree
 CUtil::SimpleTree< VALUETYPE >::NodePublic node class
 CRenderUtil::NodeLookupUtilHelper class to find specific nodes and nodeinstances inside a graphicsentity
 CMath::noisePerlin noise class
 CCharacters::Nsk3HeaderNSK3 file format structs
 Cstd::numeric_limits< Math::half >
 CCoreGraphics::Nvx2HeaderNVX2 file format structs
 CNvx2StreamReaderA stream reader which reads legacy nvx2 binary mesh files
 CCoreGraphics::Nvx3HeaderNVX3 file format structs
 CNvx3StreamReaderA stream reader which reads legacy nvx3 binary mesh files
 COSX::OSXCpuCPU related definitions for the MacOSX platform
 COSX::OSXCriticalSectionOn OSX, pthread mutexes are used for critical sections
 COSX::OSXFileTimeWraps file-system related timestamps on OSX
 COSX::OSXFSWrapperInternal filesystem wrapper for the OSX
 COSX::OSXGuidOSX implementation of the Util::Guid class
 COSX::OSXHeapOSX implementation of Memory::Heap
 COSXThreadIdA thread id uniquely identifies a thread within the process
 COSX::OSXThreadLocalPtr< TYPE >GCC doesn't implement the __thread modifier on OSX
 CGame::PackedLevelRepresents a level that can be instantiated into a world
 CParticles::ParticleThe particle structure holds the current state of a single particle and common data for particle-job and nebula3 particle system
 CParticleRenderInfoParticleRenderInfo objects are returned by the ParticleRenderer singleton when a visible particle system is attached
 CParticleSystemMaterialNodeThe ParticleSystemNode wraps a ParticleSystem object into a ModelNode for rendering using materials
 CMemDb::Table::PartitionRepresents a partition within a Table in MemDb
 CPassA pass describe a set of textures used for rendering
 CMath::PFeedbackLoop< TYPE >A P feedback loop (proportional feedback loop) is a simple object which moves a system's current state towards a goal, using the resulting error (difference between goal and state as feedback on the next run
 CMath::PIDFeedbackLoopA PID feedback loop (proportional integral derivative feedback loop)
 CCoreGraphics::PinnedBuffer< STORAGE >
 CCoreGraphics::PixelFormatPixel format enumeration
 CMath::planeA mathematical plane represented by a normal and a distance from origin
 CMath::pointRepresents a 3D point in space
 CMath::polarA polar coordinate inline class, consisting of 2 angles theta (latitude) and rho (longitude)
 CMemory::PoolArrayAllocatorAllocates small memory blocks from an array of fixed-size memory pools
 CPosixAppLauncherLaunch an external application using fork/execve
 CPosixBarrierImplements the 2 macros ReadWriteBarrier and MemoryBarrier
 CPosix::PosixCpuCPU related definitions for the Posix platform
 CPosix::PosixCriticalSectionPosix-implementation of critical section
 CPosix::PosixEnvironmentProvides read-access to environment variables
 CPosix::PosixEventPosix implmentation of an event synchronization object
 CPosix::PosixFileTimeImplements a Posix-specific file-access time stamp
 CPosix::PosixFSWrapperInternal filesystem wrapper for Posix
 CPosix::PosixGuidPosix implementation of the Util::Guid class
 CPosix::PosixHeapPosix implementation of the class Memory::Heap using the Posix-Heap functions
 CPosix::PosixIpAddressRepresents an IP address, consisting of a IPv4 host address and a port number
 CPosix::PosixMemoryPoolFIXME: IMPLEMENT ME!
 CPosix::PosixSettingsA simple wrapper class to store config files in the users home directory Uses Boosts Property_tree library for the time being
 CPosix::PosixSystemInfoProvide information about the system we're running on
 CPosix::PosixThreadBarrierBlock until all thread have arrived at the barrier
 CPosixThreadIdA thread id uniquely identifies a thread within the process
 CPosix::PosixTimerPosix implementation of the Time::Timer class
 CPQuatFeedbackLoopA specialized proportional feedback loop for rotations, using a quaternion representation
 CCoreGraphics::PrimitiveGroupDefines a group of primitives as a subset of a vertex buffer and index buffer plus the primitive topology (triangle list, etc...)
 CCoreGraphics::PrimitiveTopologyThe primitive topology for a draw call
 CPriorityArrayA fixed size priority array
 CUtil::PriorityArray< TYPE >
 CBase::ProcessBase class for launching an external application
 CProfiling::ProfilingContextThread context of profiling
 CProfiling::ProfilingScopeLockConvenience class used to automatically push and pop scopes
 CPtr< TYPE >Nebula's smart pointer class which manages the life time of RefCounted objects
 CQuadTreeA simple quad tree
 CUtil::QuadTree< TYPE >
 CMath::quatA quaternion is usually used to represent an orientation in 3D space
 CUtil::Queue< TYPE >Nebula's queue class (a FIFO container)
 CUtil::Queue< Util::KeyValuePair< PRITYPE, TYPE > >
 CUtil::RandomNumberTableA table-based random-number generator
 CMath::randxorstateFast random generator based on xorshift+
 CMemory::RangeAllocationDescribes a range allocated by the Memory::RangeAllocator
 CMemory::RangeAllocatorAllocates memory ranges using the TLSF method, with extended handling of padding to better suit GPUs
 CCoreGraphics::RayTracingBitsGet shader program raytracing bits
 CMath::rectangle< TYPE >A 2d rectangle class
 CCore::RefCountedThe common base class of Nebula
 CModels::ModelContext::ModelInstance::RenderableThe bounding boxes are used by visibility and the states by rendering
 CCoreGraphics::RenderEventRender events are sent by the RenderDevice to registered render event handlers
 CCoreGraphics::RenderShapeDescribes a shape which is rendered through the ShapeRenderer singleton
 CNebula.Game.ResourceDescriptorRepresents a native descriptor for a resource name
 CCoreGraphics::ResourceTableSetSet of buffers which creates a resource table per each buffered frame
 CMemory::RingAllocator< SYNCPOINTS >Allocates memory up-front, and then allows other systems to grab regions
 CUtil::RingBuffer< TYPE >A ring buffer stores up to a maximum number of elements in a circular fashion
 CRoundHelper class for rounding up integer values to 2^N values
 CMemDb::RowIdRow identifier
 CCore::RttiNebula's runtime type information for one class
 CUtil::RunLengthCodecA simple byte-based runlength encoder/decoder
 CThreading::SafeFlagA thread-safe flag variable
 CThreading::SafeQueue< TYPE >Thread-safe version of Util::Queue
 CCoreAnimation::SampleTypeDescribes how an animation curve should be sampled
 CPhysics::ScenePhysx scene classes, foundation and physics are duplicated here for convenience instead of static getters, might be removed later on
 CUtil::Set< KEYTYPE >A collection of unique values with quick lookup
 CCoreGraphics::ShaderFeatureWrapper class for shader permutations by name
 CCoreGraphics::ShaderIdentifierThe ShaderIdentifier is a zero-indexed registry which is used to identify shaders in a constant time (instead of using dictionaries) which can be used to select variables and whatnot using a FixedArray, which is guaranteed to retain the same index during the execution of the application
 CShaderServerThe ShaderServer object loads the available shaders and can instantiate shaders for usage
 CShapeRendererRender shapes for debug visualizations
 CUtil::SimpleTree< VALUETYPE >A simple tree class which stores its nodes in Util::Arrays
 CSingletonImplements a system specific Singleton
 CSocketPlatform independent wrapper class for the Sockets API
 CCoreGraphics::SparseBufferIdSparse buffer type
 CUtil::SparseTable< TYPE >A 2D sparse table where many entries may be redundant and support for multiple entries per cell
 CMath::sphereA 3-dimensional sphere
 CSqlite3FilterSetSQLite3 implement of Db2::FilterSet
 CUtil::Stack< TYPE >Nebula's stack class (a FILO container)
 CStackTraceHelper class for generating stack traces
 CGame::GameServer::StateInternal state and world management
 CMessaging::StaticMessageHandlerImplements a simple, static message handler helper class
 CUtil::StringAtomTableBase::StaticStringStatic string class for sorting the array
 CStreamAnimationLoaderInitialize a CoreAnimation::AnimResource from the content of a stream
 CStreamShaderLoaderResource loader to setup a Shader object from a stream
 CStreamTextureCacheResource loader for loading texture data from a Nebula stream
 CUtil.StringNebula's universal string class
 CUtil::StringAtomA StringAtom
 CUtil::StringAtomTableBaseThis implements the base class for thread-local and global string atom table classes
 CUtil::StringBufferGlobal string buffer for the StringAtom system
 CSysFuncWrap some platform specific low-level functions
 COSX::SysFuncLowest-level functions for OSX platform
 CPosix::SysFuncProvides Posix specific helper functions
 CWin32::SysFuncProvides Win32 specific helper functions
 CSystemInfoProvides information about the host system
 CMemDb::TableA table of columns (attributes) and rows
 CMemDb::TableCreateInfoInformation for creating a table
 CUtil::SparseTable< TYPE >::TableEntryTable entry in the sparse table
 CMemDb::TableIdTable identifier
 CMemDb::TableSignatureBasically a bitfield with packed ComponentIds
 CTcpClientSee StdTcpClient for details
 CTcpClientConnectionSee StdTcpClientConnection for details!
 CNet::TcpMessageCodecHelperclass that provides function to encode and decode sreams into messages
 CTcpServerFront-end wrapper class for StdTcpServer, see StdTcpServer for details!
 CCoreGraphics::TextElementDescribes a text element for the text renderer
 CTextRendererA simple text renderer for drawing text on screen
 CCoreGraphics::TextureCopyStruct for texture copies
 CCoreGraphics::TextureIdTexture type
 CThreadBarrierBlock until all thread have arrived at the barrier
 CPhysics::VisualDebugger::TimedDrawDataBase class for draw-calls that should be done over a number of steps
 CTimerA timer object is the most basic object for time measurement
 CGame::TimeSourceAn object that keeps track of running time and frame time (delta time)
 CGame::TimeSourceCreateInfoUsed to create a timesource
 CIO::XmlReader::TinyXmlInitHelperStatic helper object for TinyXml-Initialization at application startup
 CTiXmlBaseTiXmlBase is a base class for every class in TinyXml
 CTiXmlHandleA TiXmlHandle is a class that wraps a node pointer with null checks; this is an incredibly useful thing
 CMemory::TotalMemoryStatusGet the system's total current memory, this does not only include Nebula's memory allocations but the memory usage of the entire system
 CMath::transformSimple transform using position, quaternion, and scale
 CMath::transform44A 4x4 matrix which is described by translation, rotation and scale
 CModels::ModelContext::ModelInstance::TransformableTransforms are only used by the model context to traverse and propagate the transform hierarchy
 Cnanobind::detail::type_caster< Util::String >
 CIm3d::internal::TypeTraits< T >
 CIm3d::internal::TypeTraits< float >
 CIm3d::internal::TypeTraits< int >
 CIm3d::internal::TypeTraits< Mat4 >
 CIm3d::internal::TypeTraits< Vec2 >
 CIm3d::internal::TypeTraits< Vec3 >
 CIm3d::internal::TypeTraits< Vec4 >
 CIO::URIAn URI object can split a Uniform Resource Identifier string into its components or build a string from URI components
 CUtil::VariantAn "any type" variable
 CMath::vec2A 2-component float vector class
 CMath::vec3A 3D vector
 CMath::vec4A 4D vector
 CIm3d::Vector< T >
 CMath::vectorA vector is a 3D direction in space
 CCoreGraphics::VertexComponentDescribes a single vertex component in a vertex layout description
 CVertexLayoutBaseBase class for platform-specific vertex component subclasses
 CGame::Dataset::ViewThis represents a "view" into an entity table
 CMemDb::Dataset::ViewA view into a category table
 CPhysics::VisualDebuggerClass that communicates with the physics visual debugger program
 CWeakPtr< TYPE >A smart pointer which does not change the reference count of the target object
 CWin32BarrierImplements the 2 macros ReadWriteBarrier and MemoryBarrier
 CWin32::Win32CpuCPU related definitions for the Win32 platform
 CWin32::Win32CriticalSectionWin32-implementation of critical section
 CWin32::Win32EnvironmentProvides read-access to environment variables
 CWin32::Win32EventWin32 implementation of an event synchronization object
 CWin32::Win32FileTimeImplements a Win32-specific file-access time stamp
 CWin32::Win32FSWrapperInternal filesystem wrapper for Win32
 CWin32::Win32GuidWin32 implementation of the Util::Guid class
 CWin32::Win32HeapWin32 implementation of the class Memory::Heap
 CWin32InterlockedProvides simple atomic operations on shared variables
 CWin32::Win32IpAddressRepresents an IP address, consisting of a IPv4 host address and a port number
 CWin32::Win32MemoryPoolA simple thread-safe memory pool
 CWin32::Win32MiniDumpWin32 implementation of MiniDump
 CWin32ProcessLaunch an external Win32 application
 CWin32::Win32RegistryA simple wrapper class to access the Win32 registry
 CWin32StacktraceWin32 implementation of stacktrace
 CWin32::Win32StringConverterConvert between UTF-8 and 16-bit wide strings
 CWin32::Win32SystemInfoProvide information about the system we're running on
 CWin32::Win32ThreadBarrierBlock until all thread have arrived at the barrier
 CWin32::Win32TimerWin32 implementation of the Time::Timer class
 CWinThreadIdA thread id uniquely identifies a thread within the process
 CGame::WorldA container of entities, their components, and processors
 CIO::ZipDirEntryA directory entry in a zip arcive
 CIO::ZipFileEntryA file entry in a zip archive