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Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 12345]
 NCharactersA character encapsulates a skeleton resource, an animation resource, and the ability to instantiate such and drive animations
 NClusteringContext handling GPU cluster culling
 NCoreAnimationAn animation resource holds a set of animations from a loaded NAX file
 NCoreGraphicsAcceleration structures are used to enable ray tracing on the GPU by dividing the scene into a BVH
 NDecalsThe Decal context manages the decal system and entities and rendering
 NDynuiImgui Profiler UI
 NFibersFiber implementation header
 NFlatFlatbuffer to Nebula type conversion functions
 NFrameImGUI debug interface for inspecting frame scripts
 NGIThe DDGI context is responsible for managing the GI volumes used to apply indirect light in the scene
 NGraphicsImplements the shader server used by Vulkan
 NHttpThis file was generated with Nebula Trifid's idlc compiler tool
 NIdsThis simple Id pool implements a set of free and used consecutive integers
 NIOInstances of wrapped stream classes
 NJobsJob system allows for scheduling and execution of a parallel task
 NLightingThe lighting subsystem allows for attaching light source functionality to a GraphicsEntityId
 NMaterialsMaterial special version of variant
 NMaterialTemplatesMaterials represent a set of settings and a correlated shader configuration, which tells the engine which shader to use and how to apply the constants and textures on each respective shader
 NMathDifferent curves
 NModelsA model resource consists of nodes, each of which inhibit some information read from an .n3 file
 NParticlesParticle context controls playing and enabling/disabling of particle emitters inside a model
 NPhysicsDiverse functions for manipulating physics actors
 NPosixPosix implemention of a read-many write-few lock
 NPostEffectsBloom post effect
 NRaytracingContext dealing with scene management for ray tracing
 NRenderUtilHelpers to create geometry
 NResourcesA resource is a container for some type of file which is loaded
 NScriptingPrototype for deargui scripting init
 NStaticUIStatic UI Context
 NTBUITurbobadger UI Batch
 NTerrainThe occupancy quad tree implements a tree which allows for a quick search
 NThreadingThe Jobs2 system provides a set of threads and a pool of jobs from which threads can pickup work
 NUtilA pinned array is an array which manages its own virtual memory
 NVegetationThe vegetation context handles rendering of grass, trees and other types of vegetation
 NVisibilityImplements a resource loader for models
 NVulkanVulkan implementation of GPU acceleration structure
 NWin32[TODO: Describe Win32 subsystem]
 CAnimResourceA AnimResource is a collection of related animation clips (for instance all animation clips of a character)
 CAppLauncherLaunch an external application
 CArchiveWrapper class for a platform-specific file archive
 CArchiveFileSystemTop-level platform wrapper class of archive file systems
 CArchiveFileSystemBaseBase class for archive file system wrappers
 CBarrierImplements the 2 macros ReadWriteBarrier and MemoryBarrier
 CBindlessRegistryHandles binding of bindless resources
 CBufferSetupTypes used for buffers, how they are created and their intended usage
 CBvhA generic bounding volume (AABB) hierarchy
 CByteOrder(C) 2007 Radon Labs GmbH (C) 2013-2018 Individual contributors, see AUTHORS file
 CCalendarTimeAllows to obtain the current point in time as year, month, day, etc... down to milliseconds, convert between filetime and CalendarTime, and format the time to a human readable string
 CCameraSettingsHelper class for handling camera projection and related settings
 CCharacterMaterialSkinNodeA model node that handles materials for characters
 CCharacterNodeWraps a Character object into a ModelNode for rendering
 CcoreBasic type definitions for Nebula
 CCriticalSectionCritical section objects are used to protect a portion of code from parallel execution
 CDarwinBarrierImplements the 2 macros ReadWriteBarrier and MemoryBarrier
 CDisplayDeviceA DisplayDevice object represents the display where the RenderDevice presents the rendered frame
 CEnvironmentProvides read-access to environment variables
 CFenceCreateInfoA fence is a CPU-GPU sync object, used to let the CPU wait for the GPU to finish some work
 CFileDialogWrapper around NFD for showing file dialogs
 CFileTimeDefines a file-access timestamp
 CFileWatcherLinux implementation of filewatcher
 CFileWatcherWin32 implementation of filewatcher
 CFiltersetUsed to query a database
 CFSWrapperThis is an internal IO class used to wrap platform specific filesystem access into a generic class
 CGameContentServerThe game content server initializes access to game content on console platforms
 CGamePadAn input handler which represents a game pad
 CGLFWDisplayDeviceGLFW based OpenGL implementation of DisplayDevice class
 CGLFWInputDisplayEventHandlerTranslates DisplayEvents that are relevant for the input system into InputEvents
 CGLFWInputServerGlfw-specific InputServer (provides a default Keyboard and Mouse)
 CGlobalConstantsManagement place for global constants, such as those in the tick/frame groups
 CGuidImplements a GUID
 CHeapImplements a private heap
 CHttpClientUse a HTTP client to send HTTP requests to a HTTP server, and receive and decode HTTP responses
 CIm3dContextNebula renderer for Im3d gizmos
 CImguiRendererNebula renderer for the IMGUI dynamic UI library
 CImguiRTPluginUse this class to integrate Imgui with the Nebula rendering loop
 CInstanceRendererThe instance renderer performs actual rendering and updating of shader variables for transforms
 CInstanceRendererBaseBase class for instance renderers
 CInstanceServerThe instance server collects all instances of a model and render each node instanced, so as to decrease draw calls when rendering huge amounts of identical objects
 CInstanceServerBaseInstancing interface server base
 CInterfaceImplements the asynchronous interface to the IO subsystem
 CInterlockedProvide simple atomic operations on memory variables
 CIpAddressRepresents an IP address, consisting of a IPv4 host address and a port number
 CKeyboardAn input handler which represents a keyboard for polling
 CLibraryUse to load dynamic libraries and their addresses
 CLinuxThreadIdA thread id uniquely identifies a thread within the process
 CMemoryPoolA simple thread-safe memory pool
 CMiniDumpSupport for generating mini dumps
 CNebulaSettingsPlatform independent way for storing persistent settings Will use registry in windows and config files on other platforms
 CNvx2StreamReaderA stream reader which reads legacy nvx2 binary mesh files
 CNvx3StreamReaderA stream reader which reads legacy nvx3 binary mesh files
 COSXThreadIdA thread id uniquely identifies a thread within the process
 CParticleRenderInfoParticleRenderInfo objects are returned by the ParticleRenderer singleton when a visible particle system is attached
 CParticleSystemMaterialNodeThe ParticleSystemNode wraps a ParticleSystem object into a ModelNode for rendering using materials
 CPassA pass describe a set of textures used for rendering
 CPosixAppLauncherLaunch an external application using fork/execve
 CPosixBarrierImplements the 2 macros ReadWriteBarrier and MemoryBarrier
 CPosixThreadIdA thread id uniquely identifies a thread within the process
 CPQuatFeedbackLoopA specialized proportional feedback loop for rotations, using a quaternion representation
 CPriorityArrayA fixed size priority array
 CPtrNebula's smart pointer class which manages the life time of RefCounted objects
 CQuadTreeA simple quad tree
 CRoundHelper class for rounding up integer values to 2^N values
 CShaderServerThe ShaderServer object loads the available shaders and can instantiate shaders for usage
 CShapeRendererRender shapes for debug visualizations
 CSingletonImplements a system specific Singleton
 CSocketPlatform independent wrapper class for the Sockets API
 CSqlite3FilterSetSQLite3 implement of Db2::FilterSet
 CStackTraceHelper class for generating stack traces
 CStreamAnimationLoaderInitialize a CoreAnimation::AnimResource from the content of a stream
 CStreamShaderLoaderResource loader to setup a Shader object from a stream
 CStreamTextureCacheResource loader for loading texture data from a Nebula stream
 CSysFuncWrap some platform specific low-level functions
 CSystemInfoProvides information about the host system
 CTcpClientSee StdTcpClient for details
 CTcpClientConnectionSee StdTcpClientConnection for details!
 CTcpServerFront-end wrapper class for StdTcpServer, see StdTcpServer for details!
 CTextRendererA simple text renderer for drawing text on screen
 CThreadBarrierBlock until all thread have arrived at the barrier
 CTimerA timer object is the most basic object for time measurement
 CTiXmlAttributeAn attribute is a name-value pair
 CTiXmlBaseTiXmlBase is a base class for every class in TinyXml
 CTiXmlCommentAn XML comment
 CTiXmlDeclarationIn correct XML the declaration is the first entry in the file
 CTiXmlDocumentAlways the top level node
 CTiXmlElementThe element is a container class
 CTiXmlHandleA TiXmlHandle is a class that wraps a node pointer with null checks; this is an incredibly useful thing
 CTiXmlNodeThe parent class for everything in the Document Object Model
 CTiXmlTextXML text
 CTiXmlUnknownAny tag that tinyXml doesn't recognize is saved as an unknown
 CVertexLayoutBaseBase class for platform-specific vertex component subclasses
 CWeakPtrA smart pointer which does not change the reference count of the target object
 CWin32BarrierImplements the 2 macros ReadWriteBarrier and MemoryBarrier
 CWin32InterlockedProvides simple atomic operations on shared variables
 CWin32ProcessLaunch an external Win32 application
 CWin32StacktraceWin32 implementation of stacktrace
 CWinThreadIdA thread id uniquely identifies a thread within the process